Business Insider Africa estimates South Sudan’s debt-to-gross domestic product ratio at 64.4%

By comparing what a country owes with what it produces, the debt-to-GDP ratio reliably indicates that particular country’s ability to pay back its debts. Often expressed as a percentage, this ratio can also be interpreted as the number of years needed to pay back debt if GDP is dedicated entirely to debt repayment

By Okot Emmanuel 

Business Insider Africa has listed South Sudan among twenty countries with the highest debt-to-gross domestic product ratio in the continent.

It says South Sudan has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 64.4% as of 2022.

The debt-to-GDP ratio is the metric comparing a country’s public debt to its gross domestic product.

The Business Insider says by comparing what a country owes with what it produces, the debt-to-GDP ratio reliably indicates that particular country’s ability to pay back its debts.

That said, below are 20 African countries with the highest debt-to-GDP ratios. This list is courtesy of a report by Statista dated December 2021. Although the exact figures of these countries’ public debts were not disclosed, the percentage of debt to GDP is clearly indicated as you can see below.

CountryDebt-to-GDP ratio
Cabo Verde                                                          160.7%.
Republic of Congo85.40%
The Gambia82.30%
South Africa68.80%
South Sudan64.40%

A recent report by the World Bank showed that more than half of the world’s low-income countries, most of which are in Africa, are either currently struggling with debt distress or at risk of doing so.

The international financial institution says 15 low-income countries today have debt that is collateralized by natural resources—yet none provide details on the collateral arrangements.

The World Bank then stressed that greater debt transparency makes it easier for governments to make informed decisions about future borrowings.

In the same vein, it makes it easier for the citizens to hold their leaders accountable for the loans borrowed.

Also, Standard Bank Group recently red-flagged Ghana, Kenya Ethiopia, Zambia and Angola as African countries that could soon experience serious debt risks.

Although the exact figures of these countries’ public debts were not disclosed, The Business Insider Africa recommends that countries should take serious issues of debt.

About the Authors:

Okot Emmanuel, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, a Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: 6.39% drop in the number of students registered for the certificate of secondary education examinations this year

34,362 candidates registered for the CSE exams in the academic year 2020/21, with 22,724 males and 11,638 females. This year, 32,167 candidates registered, with 21,799 males and 10,368 females.

By Adut Maguil

The Ministry of General Education and Instruction released the schedule for the 2021/22 Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) Examinations last week, which will take place from April 18 to April 27.

According to Awut Deng Acuil, Minister of General Education and Instruction, 32,167 candidates have registered for the 2021 academic year exams. There are 10,368 females and 21,799 males among them.

However, when compared to the previous year, when 34,362 candidates enrolled, including 22,724 males and 11,638 females, this year’s total number of candidates registered represents a 6.39 percent decrease.

Male candidates fell by 925 from 22,724 in the 2020/21 exams, while female candidates fell by 1,270 from 11,638 the previous year.


According to Awut Deng Acuil, Minister of General Education and Instruction, security issues in some parts of the country, the negative impact of COVID-19, which resulted in protracted school closures, and the destructive floods are some of the reasons for the low number of candidates this academic year.

About the Authors:

Adut Maguil, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: South Sudan Returnee figures, state and county levels 2021

By Oriba Douglas

A returnee is someone who was displaced from their habitual residence either within South Sudan or abroad, who has since returned to their habitual residence. 

According to Round 11 of IOM’s DTM baseline assessment, Wau County had the highest returnee individuals at 171,394 and also the highest household returnees at 40,541 households. This can be attributed to improved security situations influencing voluntary returns.

Kapoeta North County however produced the least Household returnees with 102 households and total individual returnees of 510 people was also the least among the Counties of South Sudan. This is majorly due to the nomadic lifestyle of the indigenous communities who prefer to be constantly on the move and are not necessarily influenced by security trends.

The other areas highlighted by the assessment are in full detail illustrated in the graph above. 

CAPTION: Comparison of total returnees Household vs Individual

A comparison of the total number of returnees per State vs the total number of Household returnees per State asserted that Upper Nile State has the Highest number of Individual returnees which was found to be 361,232 individuals including women and children and also the highest number of Household returnees at 6,557 households. 

Lakes State on the other hand had the lowest numbers of both individual and household returnees at 61,549 and 11,771 respectively.

Upper Nile State leads in the number of Individual returnees while Lakes State ranks lowest when it comes to individual returns and the same scenario repeats itself when it comes to household returnees.

Western Bahr El Ghazal State leads with the highest number of individual returnees from within South Sudan while Upper Nile State leads with the highest number of individual returnees from Outside South Sudan.

Western Bahr El Ghazal State also leads with the highest number of household returnees from within South Sudan while Upper Nile State leads with the highest number of household returnees from Outside South Sudan.

About the Authors:

Oriba Douglas, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, a Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: Women in the Western Equatoria State Government

By Justin Anthony

The Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan demands that there is 35% women representation in all levels of government. In this short article we look at the statistics of women in ministerial positions, members of state independent commissions and county commissioners in Western Equatoria State.

Out of the seventeen (17) state ministries, only four (04) female ministers were appointed by the various parties to the R-ARCSS in Western Equatoria State.

As per the power-sharing agreement, Western Equatoria State has ten counties in which only two (02) females were appointed as the County commissioners.

No Female advisors have been appointed out of the five.

In the six (06) state independent commissions that brought 30 individuals only nine (09) are females.


State Ministers
Independent CommissionsCounty Commissioners
% of Women23.5%30%20% 

This brings the total number of female executives in the Western Equatoria State government to 13.

Statistics of women representation in Western Equatoria State  Executive
Name of candidate


1FemaleMinistry of Animal Resources, Fisheries and TourismIG
2FemaleMinistry of Roads and BridgesIG
3FemaleMinistry of General Education and InstructionIG
4FemaleMinistry of Gender, Child and Social WelfareIO
5  FemaleMember, Anti-Corruption CommissionIG
6FemaleMember, Employee Justice ChamberSSOA
7FemaleMember, HIV/AIDS CommissionIG
8FemaleMember, RRCIO
9FemaleMember, Human Rights CommissionIG
10FemaleChairperson, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation CommissionSSOA
11FemaleMember, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation CommissionIG
12FemaleCommissioner, Mundri West CountySSOA
13FemaleCommissioner, Mundri East CountyIG

About the Authors:

Justin Anthony, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Data Story: South Sudan’s Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget

By Okot Emmanuel

South Sudan’s Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning has proposed a budget worth 287 billion South Sudanese Pounds for the Fiscal Year 2021/22.

The Finance Minister, Agak Achuil Lual says the government proposes to spend a total of SSP 287.0 billion which represents 12.8% of the country’s GDP estimated at SSP 2.241.0 trillion.

The 2021/2022 budget proposes increased allocation to the social sector (education, health, social and humanitarian affairs). Allocation to the social sector increased to SSP 80.2 billion from SSP 312.2 billion in FY 2020/2021.

Allocation to the education sector is SSP 49.2 billion which indicates an increase of SSP 24.7 billion which represents 100.8 per cent compared to the FY 2020/2021 allocation of SSP 24.5 billion.  

Similarly allocation to the health sector of SSP 27.7 billion (of which SSP 9.0 billion is earmarked to combat COVID19 pandemic) the provision of SSP 27.7 billion to the health sector interprets to an increase of 575.6 per cent compared to the SSP 4.1 billion allocations in FY 2020/2021 budget. 

The budget allocation to the social and Humanitarian Affairs sector of SSP 3.3 billion has increased by 26.9 per cent compared to the FY 2020/2021 allocation of SSP 2.6 billion.

Of this amount, as stated by Acuil, SSP 169.3 billion or 7.6% will be financed by domestic revenues while SSP 77.4 billion which represent 3.5% will be through credit (i.e. concessional loans) from cooperating partners.

The balance of SSP 40.3 billion, which represents 1.8% will be financed through commercial borrowing.

Revenue Sources for Financing the FY 2021/22 Budget
SourceAmount in SSPPercentage (out of GDP)
Domestic Revenues169.3 billion7.6 %
Credit from cooperating partners (Concessional Loans)
77.4 billion

Commercial borrowing 40.3 billion1.8 %

The budget aims at stimulating economic recovery and reducing inflation from 22.8 in the fiscal year 2020/2021 to 16.3 per cent.

The Finance Ministry further said the FY 2021/2022 Budget is to consolidate peace, combat the COVID-19 pandemic and increase investment in physical infrastructure.  

About the Authors:

Okot Emmanuel, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: 14.69% drop in the number of pupils registered for final primary education examinations this year

The previous year, 64,138 candidates enrolled for the exams, but only 62,362 sat, comprising 32,549 males and 20,693 females. This year, 53,220 candidates; 31,232 males, and 21,988 females registered.

By Adut Maguil

Last week, the Ministry of General Education and Instruction stated that 53,220 candidates, 31,232 men, and 21,988 females, had registered for the next certificate of primary education examinations, which will begin on February 14, 2022.

However, as compared to the previous year, when 64,138 candidates enrolled for the exams, 62,362 sat for the exams, comprising 32,549 males and 20,693 females, this year’s number shows a 14.69 percent decrease in the number of candidates.

Male candidates declined by 1,317 from 32,549 in the 2020/21 exams, while female candidates grew by 1,295 from 20,692 the previous year.

Table Showing Number of Candidates Registered for the Primary Education Examination in the two most recent years

Security issues in some parts of the country, the detrimental impact of COVID-19, which resulted in protracted school closures, and the destructive floods, according to Awut Deng Acuil, Minister of General Education and Instruction are some of the reasons for the low number of candidates.

About the Authors:

Adut Maguil, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: 2021 Secondary School Enrolment in 6 Counties of Western Equatoria

Western Equatoria State has an enrolment of 6,382 students in 31 schools across six counties according to the Ministry of General Education and Instruction there.

By Justin Anthony

The State Ministry of General Education and Instruction in Western Equatoria State says in a data obtained by 211 Check that 6,382 students returned to secondary schools in the area after schools reopened in April 2021 following closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The statistics show enrolment in the counties of Yambio, Nzara, Mvolo, Ibba, Maridi and Mundri . Tambura has been excluded due to the conflict that occurred there.

CountyNo. of SchoolsBoysGirlsTotal
Table showing secondary school enrolment in 6 counties of Western Equatoria in 2021

The data also shows that at least 320 students are known to have dropped out of school due to factors such as financial constraints, early and unintended pregnancies, marriages, among other reasons.

CountyNo. of SchoolsBoys DroppedGirls DroppedTotal
Table showing number of students who have dropped out of secondary school in 6 counties of Western Equatoria in 2021

About the Authors:

Justin Anthony, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Top 14 Leading South Sudanese Facebook Pages in 2021

Here’s our list of 14 very interactive South Sudanese pages on Facebook. Together, all these pages have nearly five million followers! Some of them represent South Sudanese-famous personalities, mainstream and alternative media.

By Adut Maguil

Facebook is one of the most liked social media platform today. It has had a grip over young and mature persons for over 12 years. Millions of people have access to the Internet most of whom use Facebook accounts to do various things.

Facebook is a great way to stay connected and get to know who is in your social circle but it is also an easy way to keep tabs on your favorite celebrities and big public figures. You can connect with their regular posts by simply following their page on Facebook to receive instant updates if you’re a true fan.

These profiles post photos and videos about varied things. Some of them are updates about their products and business as a marketing option. Some others upload photos of their loved ones, funny podcasts, food recipes and so on. In the end, the most important thing is to keep viewers entertained

People use social media, such as Facebook, all the time. Maybe to see what their friends are doing, to read the news. Many famous persons, brands and even football teams have fan pages in this platform.

In this article, we will review the top 14 South Sudanese Facebook pages that have had huge interaction in 2021.

Quick Glance at the 14 leading South Sudanese pages on Facebook by category:

Category 1: Mainstream Media

  1. Eye Radio

Total Interactions = 1,198,277 | Owned Total Views = 4,124,572

Total Posts = 3,253 | Page Followers = 155,363

Page Follower Growth % = 81.10%

2. Radio Tamazuj

Total Interactions = 212,291 | Owned Total Views = 2,837,308

Total Posts = 1,580 | Page Followers = 156,145

Page Follower Growth % = 21.92%

3. Radio Miraya

Total Interactions = 211,151 | Owned Total Views = 5,487

Total Posts = 1,229 | Page Followers = 76,076

Page Follower Growth % = 19.50%

4. SSBC News

Total Interactions = 167,932 | Owned Total Views = 5,060,430

Total Posts = 332 | Page Followers = 110,535

Page Follower Growth % = 40.42%

5. Advance Digital

Total Interactions = 166,731 | Owned Total Views = 2,573,452

Total Posts = 1,575 | Page Followers = 88,540

Page Follower Growth % = 364.80%

6. Sudan Tribune

Total Interactions = 94,891 | Total Posts = 335

Page Followers = 107,796 | Page Follower Growth % = 17.69%

7. 88.4 City FM, Juba

Total Interactions = 79,565  | Owned Total Views = 34,928

Total Posts = 314 | Page Followers = 46,138

Page Follower Growth % = 23.46%

8. Radio Bakhita

Total Interactions = 73,826 | Owned Total Views = 1,057,870

Total Posts = 510 | Page Followers = 33,411

Page Follower Growth % = 37.30%

9. Nyamilepedia

Total Interactions = 56,478 | Owned Total Views = 42,497

Total Posts = 1,623 | Page Followers = 28,210

Page Follower Growth % = 7.70%

10. Sudans Post

Total Interactions = 49,995 | Owned Total Views = 225,370

Total Posts = 2,869  | Page Followers = 15,537

Page Follower Growth % = 38.06%

11. CLASSIC FM 92.4

Total Interactions = 31,759 | Owned Total Views = 7,715

Total Posts = 1,141 | Page Followers = 16,871

Page Follower Growth % = 24.03%

12. Radio One 87.9 FM South Sudan

Total Interactions = 25,298 | Owned Total Views = 114,258

Total Posts = 689 | Page Followers = 15,838

Page Follower Growth % = 63.84%

13. The City Review Digital

Total Interactions = 25,034 | Owned Total Views = 145

Total Posts = 2,192 | Page Followers = 2,476

Page Follower Growth % = 141.09%

14. Capital Fm 89.0 Juba

Total Interactions = 23,234 | Owned Total Views = 81,607

Total Posts = 627 | Page Followers = 16,503

Page Follower Growth % = 67.22%

Category 2: Alternative Media

  1. Visit South Sudan           

Total Interactions = 1,824,937 | Owned Total Views = 391,335     

Total Posts = 3,134 | Page Followers = 93,662     

Page Follower Growth % = 286.94%

2. Juba Eye             

Total Interactions = 1,429,127 | Owned Total Views = 8,270,305 

Total Posts = 2,766 | Page Followers = 203,164   

Page Follower Growth % = 29.33%

3. Hot in Juba        

Total Interactions = 1,088,369 | Owned Total Views = 2,988,615 

Total Posts = 2,672 | Page Followers = 218,367   

Page Follower Growth % = 15.61%

4. South Sudan bro             

Total Interactions = 867,263 | Owned Total Views = 141,738        

Total Posts = 2,793 | Page Followers = 53,871     

Page Follower Growth % = 51.17%

5. Juba TV

Total Interactions = 722,758 | Owned Total Views = 1,188,929     

Total Posts = 2,618 | Page Followers = 283,302   

Page Follower Growth % = 6.53%

6. Smart Family TV              

Total Interactions = 605,813 | Owned Total Views = 261,591        

Total Posts = 1,032 | Page Followers = 75,653     

Page Follower Growth % = 47.19%

7. Bentiu tv             

Total Interactions = 494,683 | Owned Total Views = 18,339,809  

Total Posts = 985 | Page Followers = 146,604       

Page Follower Growth % = 185.11%

8. Junub celebz    

Total Interactions = 359,321 | Owned Total Views = 1,328,825     

Total Posts = 1,360 | Page Followers = 56,911     

Page Follower Growth % = 188.08%

9. Northern Corridor Morning Post              

Total Interactions = 339,523 | Owned Total Views = 126,705        

Total Posts = 2,705 | Page Followers = 99,434     

Page Follower Growth % = 12.83%


Total Interactions = 332,072 | Owned Total Views = 393,520        

Total Posts = 2,006 | Page Followers = 44,751     

Page Follower Growth % = 125.13%

11. Twic Media Reports      

Total Interactions = 311,736 | Owned Total Views = 2,569,410     

Total Posts = 1,707 | Page Followers = 46,679     

Page Follower Growth % = 104.57%

12. Southsudan TMZ             

Total Interactions = 232,938 | Owned Total Views = 2,193,968     

Total Posts = 1,611 | Page Followers = 87,377     

Page Follower Growth % = 35.93%

13. South Sudan Anataban 

Total Interactions = 198,892 | Owned Total Views = 16,497           

Total Posts = 778 | Page Followers = 47,607         

Page Follower Growth % = 52.69%

14. South Sudan Digital       

Total Interactions = 156,284 | Owned Total Views = 1,199,502     

Total Posts = 805 | Page Followers = 70,301         

Page Follower Growth % = 37.88%

Category 3: Personalities

  1. Penton Keah     

Total Interactions = 4,220,859 | Owned Total Views = 129,989,670            

Total Posts = 109 | Followers = 663,919 

Page Follower Growth % = 797.26%

2. Slate Nation      

Total Interactions = 1,430,606 | Owned Total Views = 298,239     

Total Posts = 408 | Followers = 280,918

Page Follower Growth % = 62.20%

3. John Frog

Total Interactions = 1,235,283 | Owned Total Views = 667,266

Total Posts = 602 | Followers = 112,354

Page Follower Growth % = 157.81%

4. Silver X

Total Interactions = 1,195,292 | Owned Total Views = 1,516,678 

Total Posts = 1,241 | Followers = 190,148

Page Follower Growth % = 210.86%

5. Lady Kola

Total Interactions = 1,029,422 | Owned Total Views = 10,668,611

Total Posts = 624 | Followers = 181,548 

Page Follower Growth % = 710.59%

6. Achai Wiir          

Total Interactions = 1,003,176 | Owned Total Views = 3,635,829

Total Posts = 265 | Followers = 250,560 

Page Follower Growth % = 65.07%

7. Dynamq              

Total Interactions = 933,976 | Owned Total Views = 693,812

Total Posts = 974 | Followers = 75,564    

Page Follower Growth % = 28.89%

8. K-Denk

Total Interactions = 879,271 | Owned Total Views = 378,618

Total Posts = 1,732 | Followers = 173,572

Page Follower Growth % = 16.08%

9. ADAWAY            

Total Interactions = 811,505 | Owned Total Views = 74,104

Total Posts = 300 | Followers = 104,485 

Page Follower Growth % = 175.18%

10. Dj-Cent Mr No Rest        

Total Interactions = 511,346 | Owned Total Views = 318,166        

Total Posts = 990 | Followers = 40,742    

Page Follower Growth % = 401.44%

11. Promota Kay Two           

Total Interactions = 494,042 | Owned Total Views = 1,240,353     

Total Posts = 767 | Followers = 134,775 

Page Follower Growth % = 118.23%

12. Max Jay

Total Interactions = 485,231 | Owned Total Views = 320,163        

Total Posts = 1,492 | Followers = 54,150

Page Follower Growth % = 192.80%

13. Hardlife Avenue Stars   

Total Interactions = 477,757 | Owned Total Views = 2,837,994     

Total Posts = 903 | Followers = 73,561    

Page Follower Growth % = 677.93%

14. Mary Boyoi       

Total Interactions = 426,878 | Owned Total Views = 663,600        

Total Posts = 256 | Followers = 98,774    

Page Follower Growth % = 1562.86%

15. Ajak Deng Chiengkou   

Total Interactions = 373,882 | Owned Total Views = 4,944,076     

Total Posts = 593 | Followers = 238,363 

Page Follower Growth % = 27.32%

There’s our list of 14 very interactive South Sudanese pages on Facebook. Have you ever thought deeply about this? When describing those leading 15 Facebook pages a normal user will see how important they are in the country to be on the top list. Together, all those pages have nearly five million followers! Some of them represent South Sudanese-famous personalities, mainstream and alternative media.

The number of likes and followers of an account indicates the interest or popularity of a specific person, brand, or product and that is why likes have way much importance on social media platforms like Facebook as they play a very vital role in building up a reputation on the Internet. Similarly, the popularity level on Facebook is also calculated by the number of fan base and interactions. Knowing about the leading pages on Facebook in the country is impressive.

About the Authors:

Adut Maguil, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: Are South Sudanese Artists Benefiting From YouTube? An Analysis of 08 Channels

By David Uku

South Sudan faces the challenge of copyright–ownership of the song, songwriter, and video production as creative works, which is one of the most serious issues confronting and impeding the development of the music industry in South Sudan as a new country in East Africa with vast cultural diversity.

Furthermore, like most artists’ performances in the music era, many fans do not pay their Artist for the effort they put in as musicians, and the Artists complain.

In other parts of the world, an artist’s financial success is often derived from revenue generated by their fans attending their show, downloading the video, or viewing their YouTube channel, because YouTube channels use algorithms, and if more people suggest the song, the view will rise as the song becomes top searches and suggested on YouTube, and money will flow in.

How do South Sudanese artists benefit from YouTube? 211 Check used the Social blade to analyze the artists’ songs on YouTube to determine how much money they make from their YouTube channel activities.


The Best Male Artist of the year 2018 and Eye Radio Awards 2019 and he give himself the nickname Music machine as the most produced music in the country, he created his channel on 23 July 2016 until now his channel reached subscribers (2.95K) and videos views (159,034) and has uploaded (85) videos on his channel.

On 14-09-2021 Silver X published a new video song on YouTube called (Monia), the video was shot-in Uganda- Kampala in high quality because of the lack of data we didn’t know the cost of video producer but according to the social blade that we used to analysis revenue of each video or song on YouTube.

That makes it easier for us to see how much money the song Monia from the first day it was published until now the results show it has (13.6k) Views, (330) comments on YouTube and the revenue is only ($7-$54) according to the social blade analysis.


Lady Kola, who creates most of the beautiful things that go into making wonderful music, has music. She is known as Music Sankara and is also a DJ and Model; she started her channel on September 25, 2019 and has since gained 9.55K subscribers, 69,690 video views, and uploaded (12) videos.

According to the social blade analysis, on 10-09-2021, the Queen of Shamashin Lady Kola published a new video song on YouTube called (Toronto), and how much money the song Toronto from the first day it was published until now the results show it has (11.3k) views, (79) comments on YouTube, and the revenue is only ($6-$45).


Mary Boyoi always said “I am taking South Sudan music to international level kalas”  she created her channel on 05 Jan 2012 until now his channel reached subscribers (25.8K) and videos views (3,252,954) and uploaded (51) videos on his channels.

On 16-07-2021 Mary Boyoi as a first Lady published a new video song on YouTube called (Marry me kalas), from the first day it was published until now the results show it has (23.2k) Views, (46) comments on YouTube and the revenue is only ($12-$93) according to the social blade analysis.


MR NO REST, he Named himself like that because he works all-time at music to produce more work as he always said DJ cent Mr No Rest; he creates his channel on 08th March 2017 until now his channel reach subscribers (2.54K) and videos views (158,213) and upload (52) videos on his channels.

On 19-09-2021 DJ Cent Mr No Rest publish a new video song on YouTube called (Binia Wau), from the first day it was published until now the results show it has (7.4k) Views, (44) comments on YouTube and the revenue is only ($4-$30) according to the social blade analysis.

Hardlife Avenue Stars,

“Hardlife Avenue” is a reference to the difficult time and struggles of life, the music is popular in Afro-pop, Rap and Vocal. As the greatest music group  in the country, they created their channel on 06 Sept 2016 until now they have subscribers (7.31K) and video views (1,223,169) and uploaded (85) videos on their channels.

On 18-07-2021 Hardlife Avenue Stars published a new video song on YouTube called (Ana Yau Bi Arif), which is the hit song on Social Media this year, the first day it was published until now the results show it has (88.6k) Views, (123) comments on YouTube and the revenue is only ($44-$354) according to the social blade analysis.


The founder of Ruka Music and Ruka film and River Nile Crocodile Sudanese Son, besides he is a Singer, Songwriter, sound producer, dancehall and professional DJ. He created his channel on 05 09 2007 until now his channel reached subscribers (11.7K) and videos views (5,457,922) and uploaded (21) videos on his channel.

On 11-01-2013 Dynamq the African DJ that represents South Sudan and Africa in the JAMROCK REGGAE CRUISE SOUND annual festival happening every year in Jamaica, the festival is about love and unity he published a video song on YouTube called (Those days in Nairobi), from the first day it published until now the results show it has (1.1M) Views, (774) comments on YouTube and the revenue are only ($55-$44) according to the social blade analysis.

 Emmanuel Jal,

The author of “War Child: A Child Soldier’s Story”  in his music he mixes Rap in Arabic, English, Dinka and Nuer. The symbolism of unity as music guides him to express ideas of peace and unity. He created his channel on 26 07 2009 until now his channel reached subscribers (9.38K) and videos views (1643,418) and uploaded (110) videos on his channels.

On 25-11-2021 Emmanuel Jal publish a new video song on YouTube called Hey Mama, from the first day it was published until now the results show it has (72.9k) Views, (145) comments on YouTube and the revenue is only ($36-$291) according to the social blade analysis.

 Yaba Angelosi,

The founder of Assida Records and Assida Films, his music mixes catchy African traditional sounds with Western dance music using modern instrumentation and arrangements, he plays guitar, bass, piano and drums above all he is a Singer, Songwriter, sound producer, Film director, and entertainer he created his channel on 15 March 2009 until now his channel gained subscribers (5.36K) and videos views (2,292,498) and uploaded (52) videos on his channels.

On 14-01-2021 DJ Yaba Angelosi published a new video song on YouTube called Something about You, from the first day it was published until now the results show it has (127.8k) Views, (138) comments on YouTube and the revenue is only ($64-$511) according to the social blade analysis.


211 Check analysis notes that all South Sudanese artists that have channels on YouTube put countries other than South Sudan. For example, Silver X, Hardlife Avenue Stars and Mary Boyoi registered Kenya as the country and Lady Kola created her channel in Uganda, only DJ Cent Mr No Rest didn’t show the Country, Dynamq and Yaba Angelosi created their channels in the United State of America and Emmanuel Jal Create his channel in Canada.

Even the Channel Type; Only Yaba Angelosi and Mary Boyoi have Channel Type for Music, Emmanuel Jal his Channel Type is Film and Dynamq his channel Type is Entertainment and the rest have no Channel Type. This report does not highlight all artists with channels on YouTube but the view of this report analysis is to let the artists know that they have much work to do on their YouTube channels so as to generate more money and more followers; they need to be more flexible on sharing data about producing video so as to make work better to compare revenue generated by Channel and budget of the production.

Most artists should also sign up for the YouTube Partner Programme. This requires them to have at least 1,000 subscribers and have a minimum of 4,000 video watch hours in 12 months so that they can draw in a bigger audience and increase their streams.

About the Authors:

David Uku, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three months data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

Data Story: 90 Killed by a Strange Disease in Fangak County

By Deng Ghai Deng

Authorities in South Sudan’s Jonglei state are calling for urgent intervention as people and livestock die in alarming numbers after showing symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, and general body weakness in Fangak County

Fangak County Commissioner Boutrus Biel says since early November, dozens of people – mostly children and the elderly – have died after experiencing symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, and heart pain. Biel says about 90 people including 44 children, 27 elderly and 8 young people have so far died from the disease.

Table Showing Number of People Killed By the Strange Disease

CategoryNumber of Deaths

“People are dying in Fangak County. There was sudden death and it started on the 2nd of October within the new Fangak town which is the headquarters of the county and also within the surrounding villages of Fangak County. Any time a person dies especially the children, the young ones and the elderly people. So far, we have lost 90 people, the record is that over 90 people have died. We are wondering whether it’s the impact of an oil explosion or something else.”

Table Showing Deaths and Recoveries

Total Infections120

Commissioner Biel says cattle, sheep and goats are also dying in the area. He says the area has been submerged in floodwaters for some time and local officials suspect the deaths could be linked to toxic water pollution caused by an oil spill.

“The cattle and goats have been dying because of water. You could see thing they are all grassing in water. Some people are taking their cattle to Malakal- the dry area- some are going to Pigi County in the site of cannel; some have gone across the river to Shuluk land and as far as Ruweng administrative areas. These are challenging times now for Fangak County, cattle are really dying and when there are no cattle it becomes difficult because that is the livelihood of the people.”

Commissioner Biel says he wrote to Jonglei state Governor Denay Jock Chagor about the deaths in Fangak, asking for an urgent intervention.

Responding to the calls, the Director-General of Preventive Health Services at the Ministry of Health, says a team of health professionals has already been organized and has been dispatched to the area.

“One important recommendation is to deploy a national response team to Fangak to investigate the reported increased morbidity and mortality in the area,” Dr. Romunu told reporters.

According to Dr. Joseph Francis Wamala, a Senior Epidemiologist at the W.H.O, the team will collect samples from the environment and those affected.

“There is actually a lack of a full range for all the other basic needs. So these teams will have the national response team and they will collect samples from those who are affected,” Dr. Wamala said.

Tuong Majok, the acting governor of Jonglei state says he notified national authorities about the situation in Fangak County after visiting the area with WHO and UNMISS officials.

“A team of World Health Organization, UNMISS and other agencies plus myself went to the location where the outbreak has taken place. It came to the surface of the water like oil and that’s why people are saying it is oil. We have reported this to the national government; the state has no experts. We reported it to the ministry of petroleum and the ministry of environment so that they can go to the location and see with their own eyes what the cause of this eruption is.” Majok said

Acting governor Majok says an investigation must be carried out immediately to avert a catastrophe. ASCOM is an oil and gas corporation from Moldova that operated in the area but left the country after the start of the conflict in December, 2013. Majok says an environmental impact assessment has not been conducted since the petroleum firm stopped operations in Fangak County more than seven years ago.

About the Authors:

Deng Ghai Deng, a Data Speaks Fellow at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a three-month data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualisation for three months (October to December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information