There is no specific information about Juba being one of the cleanest cities in East Africa.
Writer: Christopher Luate Obede
A Facebook post published by Radio Dabanga-211, featuring an image of a wet street, claiming that Juba is amongst the cleanest cities in East Africa, is unproven.
Radio Dabanga-211 is a Facebook page with over 8.2K likes and 18K followers.
“Juba is amongst cleanest cities in East Africa. Juba, I love,” the post shared on January 13, 2024, briefly reads.
Screenshot of the Facebook post by Radio Dabanga-211
Claim Verification:
A Google keyword search for “Clean cities in East Africa” by 211 Check finds that the cleanest cities in East Africa, ranked by Top Ten Uganda, are Kigali, the largest capital city of Rwanda, and Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Kigali has also been ranked by FURTHER AFRICA as the cleanest city on the African continent in 2022.
Google search for “Juba” only returns a result with an article published by LIKIS MEDIA with a lawmaker claiming that Juba is the world’s dirtiest city.
Image verification using Google Lens reverse image search returns several results. The image captioned is from Sudan in Photos, a Pinterest account that describes the image as “Rainy morning in Khartoum.”
Bajnews first published the image on its website on July 21, 2018. It is a street in Madani, the capital of Al Jazirah State in east-central Sudan.
211 Check finds the claim that Juba is among the cleanest cities in East Africa unproven. There is no specific information about Juba being one of the cleanest cities in East Africa.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit or message us on WhatsApp at +211 921 350 435. #FactsMatter Check Check2024-01-23 08:54:362024-01-23 08:54:41Fact-check: Juba is not one of the top five cleanest cities in East Africa
The picture making rounds on social media is not of Entebbe International Airport (EBB) but that of Dubai International Airport (DXB)
Writer: Jibi Moses
An image allegedly of the interior of Entebbe International Airport posted by an X (Formerly Twitter) user on January 18, 2024, is false.
“The interior of#Entebbe International Airport,” reads the image caption, which has since attracted 2,058 views, 7 reposts, six comments, and 40 likes at this publication.
Entebbe International Airport lies astride the equator at latitude 00.020 North and longitude 320 East located 40 kilometers southwest of Kampala City, Uganda’s capital, according to the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority.
Screenshots of the post by X user and some of the comments.
Other searches show that the same image was used by another social media user on Facebook with the caption, “Inside view of “Entebbe” International Airport.”
Claim Verification:
211 Check carried out a Google reverse Image Search on the picture, and it got several results showing the image as that of Dubai International Airport.
Other search engines, such as Microsoft Bing, Baidu, Google, and Yandex, all show the image in different instances, as that of Dubai International Airport.
The screen of the image as it appears on the Alamy website in 2017.
Dubai International Airport:
According to Google Maps, Dubai International Airport is a four-star airport located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in the Middle East—an intercontinental hub for the UAE with a purpose-built jet airliner facility concourse.
The same picture of the airport was uploaded to Google Maps by Ibrahim Falqi in December 2022.
Some sources that used the image with reference to Dubai International Airport are here, here, and here, among others.
A screenshot of the picture as it appears on Google Maps (photos)
Entebbe International Airport:
According to the country’s civil aviation authority, Entebbe International Airport is Uganda’s only international airport located about 6 kilometres southwest of Entebbe, on the northern shores of Lake Victoria.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, the renovated terminal was opened to the public ahead of the NAM summit, which is happening in Uganda, which means an increase in the number of arrivals.
Many Ugandan news outlets reported this and shared the images as 1, 2, and 3, among others.
A screenshot of a section of the renovated Entebbe International Airport, as reported by the Daily Monitor.
A screenshot of Entebbe International Airport as reported by the New Vision.
211 Check has found that the picture posted on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) allegedly of Entebbe International Airport is false.
The picture shows Dubai International Airport from the Middle Eastern country of the United Arab Emirates taken on August 21, 2017, according to Alamy, a playground for creatives looking for fresh and inclusive content.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter Check Check2024-01-19 13:17:362024-01-19 13:17:41Fact-check: This picture is of Dubai International Airport, not Entebbe
South Sudan ranks low in natural resources compared to other African countries.
Writer: Christopher Luate Obede
A Facebook post published by Radio Dabanga-211, featuring an image of a sunflower field, claiming that South Sudan is the richest country in Africa in terms of resources, is false.
Radio Dabanga-211 is a Facebook page with over 8.2K likes and 18K followers.
“Renk county-South Sudan, South Sudan, is the richest country in Africa in terms of resources,” it briefly reads in its post shared on January 15, 2024.
Screenshot of the Facebook post by Radio Dabanga-211
Claim Verification:
A Google keyword search by 211 Check finds that the richest African countries ranked by wisevoter, a platform that provides citizens, voters, and elected officials with the information, insights, and tools that amplify democracy in the modern age place Seychelles and Mauritius as the top richest countries in Africa in terms of GNI per capita. The figures are based on the latest IMF and World Bank data.
Other sources like here and here say Nigeria is the richest country in Africa in 2023 by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the total value of goods and services produced in a country within a given period.
Google search for “South Sudan” only returns a result ranked by The World Bank as the 54th African country that gained independence on July 9, 2011.
Image verification using a Google Lens reverse image search returns several results. The image of the sunflower garden was first posted on X (formerly Twitter) by a user, @moe_abu3agla. It is of a farm in Basinda locality – Gedaref State, Sudan.
بفضل الله اولاً ثم مجهودات الجنقو العظيمة 😂💪🏽 قدرنا ننجح موسمنا الزراعي في (محلية باسندة -ولاية القضارف ) تمكنا من زراعة (الذرة ،عباد الشمس، السمسم والتسالي) وكانت للحزم التقنية في الزراعة الاثر الاكبر لنجاح الموسم،وذلك بقيادة معلم الاجيال،الدكتور و الباشمهندس خالد الجاك(٤/١) ⬇️
211 Check finds the claim that South Sudan is the richest country in Africa false. South Sudan ranks low in natural resources compared to other African countries, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group data.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter Check Check2024-01-19 09:51:082024-01-19 09:51:14Fact-check: South Sudan isn’t the richest African country
No, the visa sponsorship jobs in the United States in 2024 are a hoax. The website link in the WhatsApp message is not legitimate and is flagged as malicious by VirusTotal.
Writer: Makur Majeng
A viral WhatsApp message claims that the United States is opening its doors to over 295,000 individuals, offering a life-changing opportunity to work and live in the US with all expenses covered, but this is a hoax.
It provides a link to apply. “The United States is opening its doors to over 295,000 individuals,” the WhatsApp message reads in part.
A screenshot of the claim on WhatsApp.
Upon clicking the link, an applicant is prompted to submit personal information and is led through multiple steps, including sharing the opportunity with 15 friends or five WhatsApp groups to proceed with the application.
The screenshot of the WhatsApp link web pages
A screenshot of the WhatsApp link web pages
Claim Verification:
A Google keyword search shows no verifiable evidence of the advertised opportunity, indicating a lack of credible support for the claim.
The website domain has been flagged as malicious by the virustotal malware detection service, which raises concerns about its credibility and legitimacy.
A whois domain search indicates that the alleged website domain was created on March 13, 2023, and expires on March 13, 2024. The short duration of the website’s existence raises concerns about its legitimacy and further suggests that it may not be a trustworthy source for immigration or job opportunities.
The screenshot of the alleged website on whois domain information
Furthermore, the website prompts users to share the alleged opportunity with others to proceed with the application process. This is a common tactic used in potential scams and phishing attempts aimed at collecting personal information for fraudulent purposes.
Therefore, individuals should be wary of such tactics and verify the authenticity of immigration or job opportunities through official and reputable channels, such as the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website.
211 Check finds the claim in a WhatsApp message alleging that the United States offering a life-changing opportunity with all expenses covered through a linked website a hoax.
The website has been flagged as malicious and has a short duration, which raises concerns about its legitimacy.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatters. Check Check2024-01-18 09:32:312024-01-18 09:32:36Fact-check: Is the U.S. offering visa sponsorship jobs in 2024?
No, the pictures were collected from different locations, one of which was altered, and the others were blessed for the owners’ happiness and fulfilling the practice of honouring St. Francis of Assisi.
Writer: Jibi Moses
Pictures making rounds on the internet claiming the Pope baptised and fed dogs with the holy communion are false. The images have been digitally altered.
On January 12, 2024, a Facebook pageposted four pictures, two of which featured the Pope, while the other two were of other religious leaders. All the pictures had at least a dog or dogs in them.
The post went with a heading: “Dogs were baptised and given Holy communion by the “Holy fathers” Copied.”
The screenshot of the images, as posted by Zion Amarachi
The post attracted 22 reactions, 49 comments, and 22 shares in 48 hours. Another Facebook user who shared the post is seen here.
Did the Pope baptise and feed dogs with the Holy Communion? 211 Check finds out:
Claim Verification:
211 Check investigated each image separately, and these are the results.
Image 1:
On running Reverse Image Search, Yandex brought results with several posts that had previously used the image, with the pope serving a small boy with holy communion instead of a dog.
Tineye, another online tool for reverse image search, had links to similar images.
The screenshot of the article that used the original image and credited GettyImages.
However, in the article, we traced its origin to Getty Images. In the Getty Images files, the picture was taken by Andreas Solano on May 6, 2019.
Image 2:
Yandex results show instances where the images were used before. Quest France published an article on October 8, 2023, titled, “IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. In Honfleur, the priest blesses 300 animals for the happiness of their owners.”
“The famous blessing of the animals, organised by the Notre Dame de l’Estuaire parish this Sunday, October 8, 2023, was once again a success. For this 9th edition, around 250 owners took over the Sainte-Catherine church in Honfleur (Calvados) accompanied by their dogs, and cats… but not only that!” reads the publication which featured several other pictures.
A screenshot of an article that featured the image posted by Quest France
The exact image as used by Quest France
Image 3:
Google Reverse Image Search shows that this image was used before by several publishers at different times, some as early as 2016.
Bing, TinEye, and Yandex searches returned results with the same picture. ABC News, on June 8, 2016, published an article with the heading Pope Meets With Search and Rescue Dogs in St Peter’s Square. Trainers presented Pope Francis with a red T-shirt from the lifeguard school.
Other sources that shared the same picture are seen here, here, and here.
The screen of the image, as used by ABC News on June 8, 2016
Image 4:
Google Image Reverse Search shows that the image was taken in Ecuador during the sixth time that a mass has been celebrated at the Saint-Martin d’Escaudain church to bless the animals. According to the Catholic religion, it takes place as part of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
Screenshot of the image in the story posted by LaVaix Du Nord on October 17, 2021
211 Check has found the claim that the Pope blessed and fed dogs with holy communion to be false. These pictures were collected from different locations, one of which was digitally altered, and the others were when some church leaders blessed animals for the happiness of the owners and partly the practice of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Animals according to the Catholic religion.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatters. Check Check2024-01-17 14:29:282024-01-17 14:29:59Fact-check: Did the Pope baptise and feed dogs with the Holy Communion?
The organisation has said that the WhatsApp message with a website link claiming to advertise the African Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum 2024 is a scam.
Writer: Makur Majeng
A WhatsApp message widely shared in groups and private chats claiming to offer grants to African women for innovation and entrepreneurship is a hoax.
“Payments have just started for all applicants. Register to be one of the beneficiaries.
Strictly for students and business owners,” the WhatsApp message partly reads.
The website prompts users to fill out an application form and share the link with friends or groups on WhatsApp, causing a stir among potential applicants.
Screenshot of the viral WhatsApp message
The website then asks users to enter personal information, such as gender, name, phone number, country, and region/state/county. After submitting this information, users are told that their application has been received and are asked to click “CHECK” to confirm whether they can receive funds. The website also claims that the number of applicants is limited.
The screenshot of its web pages
Upon clicking “CHECK,” users must validate their name, choose a purpose, whether a student or a business owner and provide their current educational level. After completing this step, users are prompted that their application has been approved to receive the grant and are shown guidelines on how to proceed. The guidelines ask individuals to share information about the program with 15 friends or five groups on WhatsApp.
Claim Verification:
211 Check has found out that the website in question is not affiliated with the African Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF), as it claims to be. The official AWIEF website has no information about a 2024 empowerment grant and has warned about scammers using its name for fraud.
“We have received reports of a scam message being circulated about an AWIEF “Grant”. Please be aware that this is not in any way a communication from AWIEF. Kindly refrain from acting on, disclosing information or forwarding the message,” AWIEF said in a statement shared on its website.
The website has also been flagged as malicious by Virustotal, indicating that it could be a phishing attempt.
The request to share the information with WhatsApp is an example of engagement bait, a technique used to manipulate social media users.
The WHOIS information for the purported website shows that it was registered on September 3, 2023, in Arizona, United States (abbreviated as US) and will expire on September 3, 2024.
Screenshot showing Whois information of the impostor website
On the other hand, the WHOIS information on the AWIEF website reveals that its domain was registered on August 5, 2015, and will expire on August 5, 2024.
Screenshot showing Whois information on the AWIEF website
It has also been fact-checked by AfricaCheck here.
211 Check finds a viral WhatsApp message claiming that the African Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum is offering a 2024 Empowerment Grant a hoax. The official organisation, AWIEF, has warned about fraudulent activities and has cautioned individuals to refrain from sharing personal information or forwarding such messages.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any. It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatters. Check Check2024-01-17 13:49:112024-01-17 13:49:20Fact-check: African Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum 2024 WhatsApp hoax
A viral WhatsApp message asking you to apply for Students Laptop Scheme 2024 is a scam; there is no official announcement or information from any government or educational authority about such a scheme.
Writer: Makur Majeng
A viral WhatsApp message claiming to offer students free laptops through the “Students Laptop Scheme 2024” is a hoax.
“The Applications for the Students Laptop Scheme 2024 is Available,” reads the WhatsApp message headline widely shared in private chats and WhatsApp groups.
The message directs recipients to a website where they are asked to enter personal information and share the link with friends and groups on WhatsApp before receiving a confirmation SMS.
A screenshot of the WhatsApp message
Upon clicking the link in the WhatsApp message, the website prompts users to meet specific age requirements and literacy abilities, then requests personal information such as full name, educational level, preferred laptop brand, and age range.
It poses a mathematical problem verifying age, which is not a standard procedure for legitimate government programs.
Screenshots of the web pages of the purported website
After this, the website falsely claims the application has been approved and instructs applicants to share the information with friends or groups on WhatsApp before validating their application. This is a common tactic used in phishing scams to spread false information and gather additional personal data from unsuspecting individuals.
Screenshots of the web pages of the purported website
Screenshots of the web pages of the purported website
Claim Verification:
Search engine results on Microsoft Bing for “Students Laptop Scheme 2024” return about the “Laptop Sahay Yojana 2024”, a scheme by the Indian state government that offers financial aid of Rs. 40,000 to each chosen student to purchase a laptop.
No official announcements or government communications about a particular “Students Laptop Scheme 2024” indicate that this scheme is non-existent.
A VirusTotal analysis identifies this website as a phishing scam, a tool used to verify the authenticity of the website.
A whois domain search shows that the website was registered on January 9, 2023, and will expire on January 9, 2024.
Screenshot of the domain Whois information
The website linked in the message prompts users to enter personal information, a red flag, as legitimate government application processes are typically conducted through official channels.
211 Check has found out that the viral WhatsApp message claiming to offer free laptops to students through a government scheme for 2024 is a hoax. There is no legitimate information or official announcement about such a scheme, and the website linked in the message is likely a ploy to collect personal information fraudulently.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter Check Check2024-01-16 10:58:262024-01-19 12:08:53Fact-check: Students laptop scheme 2024 WhatsApp message is fake
The visa sponsorship jobs in Canada in 2024 WhatsApp messages are fake.The opportunities are shared on a fake website without connection to the Canadian government.
Writer: Makur Majeng
A widely shared WhatsApp message that the Canadian government is recruiting over 650,000 workers in 2024, with over 470,000 jobs available for application, is a hoax.
“This is open to all individuals who wants to work in CANADA. Here is a great chance for you all to work conveniently in Canada,” reads the WhatsApp message in part.
The message provides an application link and sketchy details about the program’s benefits and requirements.
The screenshot of the link on WhatsApp
Once a user clicks on the link, a page with a text headlined “JOB RECRUITMENT CANADA 2024” appears. The text states that both skilled and unskilled people are being recruited.
A screenshot of the first website interface that appears upon clicking the link
A form is attached. An applicant is expected to enter personal details, including name, applicant’s country, mobile phone number, email, gender, region/state and occupation. A drop-down of optional occupations is also given where applicants are supposed to select.
A screenshot of the webpage, which asks users to enter personal information
Once that information is provided, another page indicates that the application is in process and asks to validate your name to proceed to the next stage.
Screenshots of where it asks users to validate by re-entering their name
An applicant is then asked to share the link with other WhatsApp users. “The Visa form page will not load if the link is not shared,” the advert warns. This is typical of phishing scams, where one’s personal information is taken, but the purported offer is never given.
The screenshot of the last webpage that asks users to share on WhatsApp
Claim Verification:
211 Check thoroughly searched credible Canadian government online platforms and found no official announcement or information about such a recruitment program for 2024.
The link provided in the WhatsApp message does not lead to a legitimate opportunity website for obtaining a Canadian job.
The details provided in the WhatsApp message, such as covering travel expenses, housing, accommodation, and medical facilities, are not in line with typical Canadian government job recruitment programs.
PesaCheck also investigated this claim and found it false.
211 Check finds a WhatsApp message claiming Canadian government job recruitment for 2024 is a hoax. The opportunities are shared on a fake website without connection to the Canadian government.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter Check Check2024-01-15 12:00:342024-01-19 12:03:26Fact-check: Canadian government 2024 visa sponsorship jobs WhatsApp message is a hoax
In this article, we write about the top thirty (30) Facebook pages in South Sudan in three categories: mainstream, alternative, and celebrities.
Writers: Emmanuel Bida & Ochaya Jackson
Facebook has become a powerful platform for individuals, organisations, and celebrities to connect with global audiences. Facebook’s influence has surged in South Sudan, with numerous pages captivating the nation’s populace. This article delves into the dynamic world of Facebook in South Sudan, highlighting the top thirty (30) pages that have shaped the social media narrative. Focusing on mainstream media, alternative media, and celebrities, we shed light on the influential voices that have fostered community and engagement in the digital sphere throughout 2023.
These Facebook pages have resonated with South Sudanese users, offering breaking news, thought-provoking perspectives, and glimpses into the lives of beloved celebrities. Beyond entertainment and information, these pages have sparked meaningful conversations, reflecting the diverse voices and opinions of the South Sudanese population. With engaging content, innovative storytelling, and unwavering dedication, they have become catalysts for shaping the narrative and connecting people in this captivating nation.
Join us in exploring South Sudan’s top thirty (30) Facebook pages in 2023, where innovation and creativity intersect. From established media giants to emerging alternative voices and beloved celebrities, we celebrate these digital pioneers’ unparalleled influence and impact. Experience the allure of these pages as we navigate the evolving social media landscape and witness the power of virtual connections transcending borders.
The article is based on CrowdTangle data analysis done by 211 Check for 2023 for over 150 Facebook pages.
Top 10 Mainstream Media Facebook Pages by Total Interactions and Video Views in 2023
The mainstream media in this context fall under the categories of broadcast, print, and web-based media houses, which are legally established information publishing platforms.
The media houses have been unleashing the power of social media, Facebook pages to share breaking news, feature stories, infographics, audio, and video content depicting the ideal situation of the news events in and around South Sudan. Their coverage presented information on political, economic, sports, cultural, and social issues affecting society. The followers and audiences of these pages get glued to consume the content published on these pages and interact with the content.
These media houses managed to reach a wider audience on Facebook, and most users rely heavily on them for news that informs, educates, and entertains. As per the analysis of the CrowdTangle tool done by 211 Check, below are the top 10 mainstream media Facebook pages:
Throughout 2023, Eye Radio content generated 2.60 million interactions, 6.09 million video views at a 0.16% interaction rate, and an average of 16.14 daily posts, placing itself above all mainstream media Facebook pages in South Sudan. Eye Radio’s Facebook page has 326,403 followers and a 46.17% growth rate.
SSBC News is the Facebook page for the state-run South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation, appearing as the second best-performing Facebook page in 2023. The State Corporation has achieved 359,391 total interactions of content it published throughout 2023, having 0.394% of the interaction rate, with 1.47 average daily posts and 194,382 total page followers. However, it has surpassed Eye Radio and other media houses with 7.22 million views on owned videos while having a growth rate increase of 34.09%.
Advance Digital, a Juba-based youth-focused radio, is third with its content. It generated 357,193 interactions, 4.24 million video views at a 0.16% interaction rate and an average of 3.81 daily posts. Advance Digital’s Facebook page has 174,480 followers and a 14.42% growth rate.
As the web-based media outlet, Radio Tamazuj found itself in the fourth position with 220,559 total interactions, 0.056% interaction rate, 5.19 average posts per day, 2.82 million views on owned videos, 220,954 total page followers, and 14.78% of the growth increase rate.
Radio Miraya, a UN-run nationwide broadcast station, generated just 103,341 interactions, 221,798 video views at a 0.11% interaction rate, and an average of 2.79 daily posts, placing itself fifth among the top 10 mainstream media Facebook pages in South Sudan. Radio Miraya’s Facebook page had 104,093 followers and a 17.10% growth rate throughout 2023.
The commercial-based radio broadcast entity has received 83,394 total interactions on its social media Facebook page for the entire year of 2023, having a 0.259% interaction rate, an average of 3.34 posts per day, 277,509 views on owned videos, 30,031 total number of page followers, and a growth increase of 33.83%.
The Juba-based urban radio broadcast station takes on the seventh position among the best-performing mainstream media Facebook pages with 57,456 total interactions, having an average of 2.38 posts per day, 119,222 total views on owned videos, 29,118 as the total number of page followers, and a growth increase of 21.22%.
The community-operated Bor-based radio station has 50,306 total interactions from the content it published or created for 2023. Its page has a 14.011% interaction rate, 0.1 average posts per day, 1.00 million views on owned videos, 15,282-page followers, and a 228.01% growth increase rate.
Radio Bakhita earned the ninth position among the top ten best-performing mainstream media houses in South Sudan. The radio has 47,366 overall total interactions, with an interaction rate of 0.384%, an average of 0.78 posts per day, 775,553 views on owned videos, 48,420 total page followers, and an increased growth rate of 27.02%.
The print-based media featured as the least among the top ten best-performing mainstream media houses in South Sudan. The City Review Digital packed 45,306 total interactions for the year 2023. It has a 0.13% interaction rate, an average of 6.82 daily posts, 84,729 views on owned videos, 18,652 page followers, and a 142.55% increase in growth rate.
Screenshot of the top 10 mainstream media Facebook pages in 2023
Top 10 Alternative Media Facebook Pages by Total Interactions and Video Views in 2023
An alternative media platform refers to a platform that offers an alternative to mainstream media channels for the distribution and consumption of news, information, and content. These platforms often aim to provide different perspectives, challenge dominant narratives, and give voice to marginalised or underrepresented groups.
Alternative media platforms have been subject to debates and discussions regarding their impact, credibility, and potential for spreading misinformation or extremist content. Researchers have conducted studies examining the role of alternative media platforms in the news and information ecosystem, analysing their political leanings and the narratives they propagate The concept of alternative media itself is complex and subject to ongoing debate among scholars.
Hot in Juba leads the alternative media, topping the number one position on the country’s best-performing social media Facebook pages. It had 6.27 million total interactions for 2023, having a 0.516% interaction rate, 8.81 average posts per day, 39,46 million views on owned videos, 447,392 overall number of page followers, and a growth rate increase of 45.01%.
Juba Eye wrestled second with 2.62 million total interactions, a 0.354% interaction rate, and 8.15 average daily posts. It has 3.50 million views on owned videos, 286,777 page followers, and a growth rate increase of 36.68%.
Being in the third position, Nyanciigak earned 2.23 million total interactions for the entire year of 2023, having a 1.337% interaction rate. The page has a 5.62 average of daily posts, 1.54 million views on owned videos, 102,616 total page followers, and an increased growth rate of 71.82%.
The social media Facebook page of Dalwuot Media set itself in the fourth position with 763,819 total interactions for 2023. It has a 0.489% interaction rate, 9.96 average daily posts, 5.39 million views on owned videos, 69,559-page followers, and a 326.14% growth increase.
This Facebook page has generated 705,087 total interactions with an interaction rate of 0.183%. It has 6.92 average daily posts, 102,185 views on owned videos, 165,061 page followers, and a growth increase of 17.32%.
This page has 667,665 total interactions for 2023. Meanwhile, it has a 0.439% interaction rate. The page also has 3.93 average daily posts, 5.64 million views on owned videos, 129,064 page followers, and a 56.28% growth rate.
The overall total interactions for Liberty Media 2023 stood at 573,631, with a 0.143% interaction rate. The page has 12.21 average daily posts, 7.57 million views on owned videos, 106,567 total page followers, and a growth rate increase of 46.71%.
The Facebook page of Pesahiko Media has 499,911 total interactions, a 0.311% interaction rate, and 2.38 average daily posts. It has 4.99 million views on owned videos, 206,947 total page followers, and a 26.92% growth increase rate.
The Aweil News Agency’s social media Facebook page accumulated 473,474 total interactions for 2023, with an interaction rate of 0.346%. The Facebook page has an average of 7.07 daily posts, 484,176 views on owned videos, 62,894 page followers, and a 46.95% growth rate.
This page ranked the tenth position among the best-performing alternative media in South Sudan. The page earned 357,354 total interactions for 2023 while having a 0.167% interaction rate. The average daily posts for the page stood at 5.27; however, it has 3.87 million views on owned videos, 117,281 total page followers, and a 12.81% growth rate increase.
Screenshot of the top 10 alternative media Facebook pages in 2023
Top 10 Celebrity Facebook pages by Total Interactions and Video Views in 2023
A celebrity is famous or widely known, especially in the entertainment industry. It is often associated with individuals who have achieved high public recognition and whose lives are consumed as dramatic entertainment by the public. Celebrities are typically well-known figures in areas such as film, music, comedy, writing, sports, or other forms of entertainment.
However, some celebrities, especially music artists, have sparked controversy and beefed with their content among themselves, which kept their followers busy following the trends.
The concept of celebrity has evolved with the rise of media coverage and the widespread consumption of celebrity-related content. Celebrities have unique personas made widely known through various media channels.
In the arena of comedy, celebrity, and showbiz, Penton Keah ranked first among the top ten celebrity Facebook pages in South Sudan. His page packed 3.28 million total interactions for 2023 with an 8.958% interaction rate. He has 0.08 average daily posts, 58.80 million views on owned videos, 1,574,222 overall total followers, and an increased growth rate of 65.55%.
Mr. No Rest has positioned himself as the second-leading celebrity, with his total interactions reaching 3.18 million and an interaction rate of 1.11%. He has an average of 5.2 daily posts, 1.37 million views on owned videos, 193,995 page followers, and an 81.89% growth rate.
The Action and Energy hit-maker takes the third position with 2.22 million total interactions and a 0.88% interaction rate. He has a 2.54 average of daily posts, 15.26 million views on owned videos, 316,210 page followers, and a 38.73% growth rate.
Kola’s social media, Facebook, has 2.01 million total interactions with a 0.879% interaction rate. She has 1.75 average daily posts, 8.15 million views on owned videos, 414,095-page followers, and a growth increase of 38.20%.
He has a total interactions of 1.45 million for 2023 on his Facebook page with a 2.695% interaction rate. His average number of posts per day is 0.77, while his owned video views have 794,686, 211,820 total number of his followers, and a growth increase of 22.92%.
Gaining about 1.24 million interactions at a 0.26% interaction rate, 5.1 average daily posts, and 292,530 video views throughout 2023, Silver X finds his Facebook page 6th on the top 10 list. He had 264,268 Facebook page followers, with a 10.74% growth rate.
Larson Angok’s Facebook page ranked 7th on the top 10 list, with approximately 940,224 interactions at a 0.31% interaction rate, an average of 4.36 daily posts, and 2.99 million video views throughout 2023. He experienced a growth rate of 20.95% and had 211,129 followers on his Facebook page
Juna De Star’s Facebook page secured the 8th spot on the top 10 list, accumulating around 835,183 interactions at a 0.61% interaction rate, maintaining an average of 2.25 daily posts, and achieving 2.35 million video views throughout 2023. Her Facebook page witnessed a growth rate of 27.86%, and she garnered 186,653 followers.
Singer of the hit song “Focus”, Single Dee King’s official Facebook page ranked 9th on the top 10 list, with approximately 835,183 interactions at a 2.55% interaction rate, an average of 1.57 daily posts and 5.43 million video views throughout 2023. She experienced a growth rate of 299.12% and had 64,118 followers on her Facebook page.
Music event and talent promoter Kay Two earned 579,790 total interactions for 2023. He has an interaction rate of 0.316%, an average posts of 1.76 per day, 1.74 million owned video views, 396,959 total page followers, and a growth increase of 128.22%.
Screenshot of the top 10 celebrity Facebook pages in 2023
The top 30 Facebook pages in South Sudan have immensely influenced the social media landscape, captivating users with engaging content and fostering a sense of community. From mainstream media to alternative media and beloved celebrities, these pages have entertained, informed, and sparked meaningful conversations among the South Sudanese population. They have transcended borders and connected people in the digital world, shaping public opinion and reflecting diverse voices and perspectives.
As we bid farewell to this exploration, let us embrace the power of social media and the transformative potential of innovation, creativity, and virtual connections. The impact of these pages serves as a reminder to engage, connect, and celebrate the diverse narratives that shape our world.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatters. Check Check2024-01-11 14:36:172024-01-11 14:46:29Unveiling the Powerhouses: Top 30 Facebook Pages in South Sudan 2023
Former South African President Thabo Mbeki is alive, his foundation has said, despite false reports about his death being circulated on various websites.
Writer: Kei Emmanuel
News circulating on websites about the death of former and second South African President Thabo Mbeki is false.
The false news was first published on Nigerian-based sites National Waves and The Discoverer on the afternoon of Wednesday, 03rd January 2024.
The Discoverer News Agency alleges that Mbeki died of a short illness at the age of 74 on Tuesday morning while receiving treatment in a hospital. This shortly led to his Wikipedia page being edited to reflect his current status.
The Thabo Mbeki Foundation, in the statement, confirmed that the former Head of State is alive and in good health; however, it cautioned the public against consuming fake news in the digital period.
“We deny those reports and wish to assure the public that President Mbeki is alive and healthy. Therefore, we urge caution and responsible engagement with online media information, particularly when misinformation can spread rapidly,” states the letter.
The press release by the Thabo Mbeki Foundation
After the Thabo Mbeki Foundation issued the statement, several South Africans and other media users worldwide are now calling for tougher actions against individuals spreading false news.
Thabo Mbeki served as President of South Africa for ten years after the post-apartheid era, taking over from Nelson Mandela in 1999 till 2008. During his regime, Mbeki played a key role in South Africa’s economic transformation and post-apartheid stability, his Britannica bio says.
This is not the first time Mbeki has been pronounced dead, in 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, News24 ran an article that was widely circulated on WhatsApp platforms, perpetuating his death.
211 Check finds news circulating on social media and other websites that the former and second President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, is dead, false.
His foundation says the Former president Thabo Mbeki is alive, well and in good health, contrary to online reports that he has died.
To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.
It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatters. Check Check2024-01-04 13:46:102024-01-04 13:46:16Fact-check: Former South African President Thabo Mbeki is alive
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