Fact-check: Is this Profession2 Facebook page with free online courses legitimate?

No, it is not a legitimate page for an institution but was created by scammers for malicious activity online. 

 Writer: Beatrice Amude Paulino 

A Facebook page called Professions2  ran a sponsored advertisement on August 7, 2024, claiming that there are free online courses that may run for four weeks. After completion, trainees will be issued degree certificates and computers. 

Screenshot of the Facebook page

211 Check Investigation

211Check has observed that there is no authentic website or name of an institution that is responsible for the offer, and page transparency shows that it was created on June 3rd, 2024. The claim posted a malicious and phishing link that directs a user to share his or her personal information like name, contacts, address, and others.

Screenshot of the claim


211Check found out that the Facebook post claiming free online courses for students in 2024 is false and misleading, and the page is not related to any institution, whether public or private. The page has no official address or contact information associated with it. 

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