Fact-check: SSPDF troops en route to DRC have not camped in Yei over reduction of upkeep money

Barely a month after the South Sudan President dispatched  the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF)  enroute to the Democratic Republic of Congo on December 28, 2022, in Juba, information alleging their return to South Sudan ensued. However, the SSPDF spokesperson dismissed the claims of the troops’ return as false.

Writer: Ghai Aketch

South Sudan, in December 2022, said it would send SSPDF troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as part of the regional force battalion to protect civilians there. The DRC government, for decades, has been fighting the M23 group. The military confrontation there has caused instability the East Africa Community deems necessary to quell. 

However, a piece of information widely shared on Facebook on January 8, 2022, alleged that the troops have returned to South Sudan, and camped in Yei County, southwest of the capital. The Facebook page claimed that their return was due to corruption leading to a reduction of their upkeep money from $1,000 to $500 US dollars.


SSPDF return back from DRC over money scandal

JUBA – SSPDF contingent that was heading to DRC Congo for mutinying on the border have returned and established a defensive position in Yei waiting for anyone who will try to attack them. Source told Phow Radio FM.” The post claimed. 

Each soldier is supposed to receive 1,000 USD as pocket money but the commander gave each soldier only 500 USD and as a result,  the force mutinied and returned to Yei where we surrounded ourselves with all the military equipment equipped for the mission,” the post quoted a source allegedly an army officer, as speaking. 

Screenshot of the post claiming return of the SSPDF troops to South Sudan

However, the SSPDF spokesperson General Lul Ruai Koang, confirmed to 211 Check on January 9 that the information circulating is false because the SSPDF forces are not yet in the DRC territory.

“Inaccurate information. They even didn’t enter Congo. They are currently processing their travel documents in Mundri East County, Western Equatoria State. Travel arrangements will start after securing their travel documents. They have not even received a penny, leave alone rejecting $ 500 USD.” Gen. Lul said in a Whatsapp reply.

After the logistical arrangements, the South Sudan contingents will join forces from Kenya, Burundi and Uganda as EAC regional forces to work on restoring political stability in the eastern part of the DRC according to the agreement. 


The return of the SSPDF troops to South Sudan is false. The SSPDF spokesperson Gen. Lul  Ruai confirmed that the peace-keeping force has not yet reached the DRC territory but is still in the South Sudan Western Equatoria State, preparing to enter after visa processing. 

This fact-check was published by 211 Check with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and the African Fact-Checking Alliance.  

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