Step 1: Verify the exact wording of the claim

  • Video, audio, official document/web page and quote verbatim
  • Contact the person (or their office if you can’t reach the speaker) that made the claim to ask where they got their information
  • Also confirm they said it in absence of video or audio
  • Trace the claim to its original source. Many claims people make are often repeated

Step 2:

  • Look for official, scientific or legal definitions of terms and concepts in a claim.
  • Does the claim relate to a specific timeframe, region or demographic?

Step 3:

  • Inspect the evidence using the latest available data
  • Build up a library of accessible data sources, such as Africa Check’s Info Finder

Step 4:

  • Approach experts.
  • Ensure they have a good academic track record with published research, and contact more than one.
  • Ask experts :(i) What is the best/most credible data? (ii) Is the claim correct, and how should the data be interpreted?

Step 5:

Write up the report, setting out evidence step-by-step and providing links. (Claim > Contact Speaker > Evidence > Experts > Conclusion)

  • Have a colleague review your report and findings. Discuss the appropriate rating
  • Inform the person you have checked of your conclusion

Fact checking steps by Africa Check and UNDP.