Is the video of a Chinese assaulting an African engineer from South Sudan – report states NO!

Author: Emmanuel Bida

The current trending video about a one-on-one fight between two men at a construction site didn’t happened in South Sudan as stated, according to 211 Check investigations.

In the past forty-eight hours, there has been a video circulating online, in which a Chinese man is seen attacking an African engineer at what seems to be a construction site.

But is the video from South Sudan? No.

The trending video

In the now/above video trending on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, 211 Check found out that the incident didn’t happened in South Sudan as being claimed by many online users.

The occurrence happened at Tonkolili Iron Ore mine in Sierra Leone, where a Chinese miner reportedly attacked a Sierra Leonean Safety Officer, while was carrying out safety briefing. The reason behind the attack is not clear.

The Chinese Rail Way Seventh Group (CRSG) and Kingho Mining Company limited have both on June 9, 2021 issued press statements condemning the act, saying the conflict was “an expected and isolated case”.

The statement obtained by 211 Check states that the Chinese man has since been relieved of his duty as seen below statement.



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