Statement of Independence

211 Check is a non-partisan organization. It is unaffiliated with any political party and does not accept funding from them.

#defyhatenow South Sudan, 211 Check’s parent organization accepts private-sector and non-profit funding for its 211 Check project. Our website: homepage footer includes a list of our donors.

While certain projects and initiatives may be guided in part by the specific requirements of our funding partners, our donors are aware that #defyhatenow South Sudan maintains operational and editorial independence for its 211 Check project. Our decisions are guided by the mission and values of our parent organization, #defyhatenow South Sudan.

211 Check fully understands the importance of maintaining independence and impartiality in doing its work. Its top management, fact-checkers and media monitors are committed to ensuring: the independence and impartiality of its fact-checking and information verification work, the adherence to editorial procedures for maintaining independence and objectivity, and the pro-active management of any threat of actual or perceived conflicts of interest affecting our editorial work.

Fact-check decisions are based on objective evidence of conformity or nonconformity to our methodology, and ensure that any decisions made are not influenced by other interests or by other parties. Before an editorial decision is made on a content and/or claim, the report of the fact-checker is reviewed by an Editor who was not responsible for the fact-check and was not a member of the investigation or research team.

When potential threats to impartiality and independence arise, 211 Check is committed to eliminate or mitigate those threats, or will renounce the related fact-check.

This process is monitored by the Managing and Chief Editors.