Tag Archive for: #FactsMatter

Fact-check: Ramciel City’s most misleading master plan photos

South Sudan’s social media platform is flooded with news of the proposed Ramciel City and alleged Tali International Airport, but the images were lifted from the internet sites and not the legitimate government designs. 

Writer: Ghai Aketch

The government’s recent announcement of the Ramciel City project resumption has widely circulated. The excitement is seen in a collection of images shared online allegedly representing the proposed project. 

Ramciel is the proposed capital of South Sudan, located about 250 km north of Juba in Lakes’ State. Its relatively central position in South Sudan makes it more ideal, according to the government. Land issues and the need to have a well-planned modern city also inspired the decision. 

It was initiated by the late Dr. John Garang before his death in 2005. According to him, its implementation would follow the independence of Southern Sudan. So, in 2011 after South Sudan’s independence that year, the Council of Ministers embarked on his plan.

But the project stalled due to Covid-19; fortunately, it resumed this year, according to the Vice President for Infrastructure Cluster Taban Deng Gai, on February 2, 2023. 

The Ramciel City Master Plan is being carried out by a consortium of Moroccan and Korean Consultants (CID, NOVEC and Seaoyoung). The management of the project is being coordinated by Al Omrane Group of Morocco and the Technical Steering Committee under the High-Level Ministerial Committee,” The office of the Vice President posted in February 2023. 

This has since been exciting news to South Sudanese netizens who went on sharing fake images to depict the Ramciel City plan. The images currently going viral were not legitimately released by the government but were lifted randomly from the internet by some internet users.

Our keyword searches and image verification found that most pictures representing Ramciel are misleading.

Take a look at these trending images misrepresenting the Ramciel City plan and where they originated from. 

Facebook screenshot purporting the designs to Ramciel City

                 GHANA:   Petronia City  (artistic design) Construction started in 2013.

CHINA: Ningbo China Tourism Group. Haiquan Bay. 

                       NIGERIA: Lagos  Eko Energy Estate (artistic impression) 

RUSSIA:  Stavropol Apartment Complex ( Photographed) 

Alleged Tali International Airport

The proposed Ramciel City is said to incorporate an International Airport called Tali International Airport(TIA). It is anticipated to serve the city—however, no official artistic impression supports that. But the citizens have since shared the wrong image to represent it. 

 CHINA: Harbin Taiping International Airport Terminal (3) design. Not Tali International Airport

NB: all the above images do not represent the Ramciel City plan.

So, which Ramciel  Master Plan design is authentic?

On February 2, 2023, the government, headed up by Vice President Taban Deng Gai and stakeholders, presented the digital design of Ramciel City, adding that the physical design would be shipped to the country abroad in April this year. However, no high-definition image was officially released.

Below  are the official Ramciel City designs

            This is a 2017 Ramciel artistic impression inspected by the Government in Juba. 


The recent master plan images during the project resumption presentation in Juba on February 2, 2023.


The photographed and artistic impressions used to refer to Ramciel City were lifted from the internet, as indicated by this article. Although it has no profound negative impact, it is misinforming the masses. The recent official images for the resumption of the city are available here

Fight misinformation on both mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content that you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter.

Fact-check: This photo is not of Ugandans killed in Juba

A claim on Twitter that Ugandans were shot dead in Juba for burning charcoal on February 10, 2023, is false and misleading.

Writer: Emmanuel Bida Thomas

A claim by a Twitter user in a tweet on February 10, 2023, that “Ugandans were shot dead in Juba for burning charcoal” is false.

“On 30th January 2023, Ugandans were shot dead in Juba for burning charcoal. The incident comes in a period when thousands of Ugandans have been being killed without both governments taking concern,” the tweet reads in part.

A similar tweet was made by another user here.

Though the tweet received little attention on social media, it makes a highly misleading claim, particularly to audiences who do not follow credible media reports from South Sudan.

Screenshot of the Tweet as shared on 10/02/2023

So, what makes this claim incorrect? Here’s a quick overview:

A Google reverse image search yields the same image that was used on Facebook and Twitter on February 2, 2023. It depicts the bodies of over 20 Kajo-keji residents killed in a cattle-related incident in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State. They were buried in a mass grave in Kajo-Keji.

According to Radio Tamazuj and Eye Radio, the victims were unarmed civilians at Likamerok Boma in Lire Payam, Kajo-keji county. These reports make no mention of Ugandans.

A keyword search for “Ugandans killed in South Sudan 2023” on Google yields no results for any news report about the incident depicted in the tweet’s photo. This year, no Ugandans have been killed in South Sudan.


The claim that Ugandans were among those killed in a photo shared on Facebook and Twitter on February 2, 2023, is false. The image shows over 20 Kajo-keji residents who were killed in a cattle-related incident in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State, and no credible news reports mention any Ugandans being among the victims.

Fight misinformation on both mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content that you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter.

Explainer: What is a deep fake and how to spot it?

Deepfake is an application of AI technology that can manipulate videos, images, and audio of real people. It has been used for hate speech and misinformation, as well as to impersonate people’s likenesses.

Writer: Ghai Aketch

Have you ever wondered when digital content looking authentic is flagged as fake? It is indeed possible with the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that is a sophisticated spread of disinformation and hate speech. 

Deepfake is, therefore a product of such advanced tech. It’s an application of sophisticated computer AI to manipulate videos, images or audio of real people. Its name is derived from Deep Learning, a type of AI system.  

The targeted images are altered by deep fake software to generate exact images of the person, and  synthetic character is produced. The output of the manipulated footage turns real people to say words they never spoke or act as the programmer wants. 

The deepfake videos were initially targeting celebrities to ‘feature’ in explicit clips. The explicit contents would sequentially promote clicks on the websites. 

The programmers download random pornographic videos and swap faces of prominent people with the video characters which to great extent looks original.

So, given the possibility to manipulate images of real people is worrying according to  researches when  political or religious leaders are targeted to ‘utter’ hate speech towards other groups. It has become a great source for hate speech and misinformation propagation. 

Although no reported clips of deepfake involving South Sudanese prominent figures, concerns should be placed on alertness on the dangers this technology could cause in the politically  fragile state should it happen. 

When used in a political setting, the image-altering emerging trends could cause detrimental cybersecurity and society threats according to Security Week.

The most recent example of a deepfake footage is of the US sitting president, Joe Biden. 

The footage in circulation was manipulated and appeared ridiculing transgender women, by allegedly saying, “you will never be a real woman.”

Interestingly, he had earlier supported transgender Americans before the footage emerged. It was hard though to distinguish it as fake. But with keen reference to past events can wake your curiosity. 

The United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs(UNODA)  in 2019 to 2021 held a series of multi-stakeholders sessions highlighting that  misuse of ICT may ‘harm international peace and security.’ 

But fast-advancing technology has eased this machine learning process. That’s to say anyone with a computer and internet access can, with ease, generate deepfake contents. 

Also, its emerging  user-friendly interface has made AI-altered products more available on the internet today. 

However, countering that, developers  have reverse engineered the deepfake processes. Several deepfake debunking softwares such as, DeepTrace, Microsoft Video Authenticator and DuckDuckGoose are countering spread of disinformation through digital content verification. 

As much as deepfake is useful in the entertainment industry, it’s largely digressing into real crimes and insecurity for states. 

How to detect deepfake

Emergence of new tech has made almost anything possible. But people tend to be baffled  while sifting genuine information from deepfakes.

Fortunately, you can, without using deepfake detecting tools, try to spot the following in a computer-doctored footage.

How to spot deep fake

Additionally, being critical enough of digitally-generated content can do you better to detect certain flaws in deepfakes considering  coherence of speeches, or previous  events. 

For example, the recent Joe Biden deepfake which allegedly ‘ridiculed’ transgender women. But look, previously he had signed sex-marriage bill into law, saying that Americans have rights to choose whom they want to marry. 

Moreover, in the US transgender policies are upheld in some states including Washington D.C, where the government sits. So, such sudden inconsistencies can give you clear  hints  that that particular footage is fake.

It has come a time you should not always believe what you see according to an analytical report on deepfake emergence.  

In South Sudan, impersonation of people’s likenesses has been through the commonly easy-to-use celebrity photos swapping Apps. However, it’s simple to spot that such images are inauthentic looking at the skin tone and image orientation.

In conclusion,  deepfakes will keep increasing and grow complex according to available publications. But you need to be curious as deepfakes disseminate disinformation via altered images of powerful and famous personalities. 

Fact-check: VP Hussein Abdelbagi is not critically ill, as reported

The fourth Vice President for the service cluster Hussein Abdelbagi has confirmed that he isn’t critically ill, as reported on social media.

Writer: Ghai Aketch

A piece of information has appeared twice on the internet alleging that Vice President Abdelbagi collapsed and was in a critical medical condition is false. It added that he would be airlifted abroad for treatment. The claim appeared on the Sixty 4 Tribes Press page twice on January 24 and 26, 2023.


South Sudanese 4th Vice President Hussein Abdelbagi is in critical condition after convulsing for the 2nd time this morning at his residence. Plans are underway to airlift him to Nairobi for further treatment.” The post claims. 

Screenshots alleging ill-health of the VP Hussein Abdelbagi 
Screenshots alleging ill-health of the VP Hussein Abdelbagi 

However, when 211 Check reached Vice President Abdelbagi on January 26 via his Facebook  page, he said he was not sick as reported. 

The information is not true. I am healthy,” he said.

Hussein Abdelbagi is the fourth Vice President of South Sudan tasked to head up the Service Cluster. He oversees all the public service projects. 


The information is false. The Vice President dismissed the claims that he is in a critical medical condition. Additionally, the claim appeared only on this particular page but not on any other mainstream media or communication from the office of the Vice President.

#FactsMatter, Don’t be a victim of fake news; instead, let’s fight misinformation on both mainstream and alternative media. To avoid spreading false information, don’t share content you’re unsure about or know where it comes from.

To learn more about our fact-checking process, go to https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim, and our team will immediately fact-check it and respond.

Fact-check: Jonglei State gov’t not buying abducted children from abductors

The Jonglei State government said it is using peaceful means, but not paying even a cent, to recover the abducted children and women from armed youth who raided Pibor.

Writer : Ghai Aketch 

On January 11, the government of Jonglei State recovered  68 abducted children and women, and later returned them to their authorities in the Pibor Administrative Area. 

However, allegations that the Jonglei government bought the abductees ensued on January 14. One media house  published the story on its website quoting anonymous sources. It later went viral on several Facebook pages here and here. 

“Eye witnesses in Jonglei state’s capital Bor are telling Sudans Post that at least two children abducted from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) by armed youth who attacked the Murle area recently were sold on the streets of the Jonglei State’s capital.” The publication reads partly. 

On Christmas eve, armed youth from Jonglei  State launched a revenge attack in the Pibor Administrative Area. Such inter-communal  retaliatory attacks have been existing for decades between communities in Jonglei and Pibor. 

According to the local authorities there more than 50 people were killed, women and children abducted on the Christmas eve attack.

But when the armed youth retreated to their state, the state authorities said they negotiated with them to surrender the abductees which they (authorities) airlifted and handed over to Pibor administrators. 

However, information which circulated online contradicted this. It stated that the Jonglei State government paid abductors some money to get the abductees. 

This is a claim the State Minister of Information John Samuel Manyon denied saying it was ‘concocted and baseless.’   

“It has come to our attention that unfounded reports are circulating on social media that the government of Jonglei State has been paying abductors in exchange for abductees recently recovered and handed over to Pibor,” Manyuon said.

He continued: “Those reports are fake and baseless, and circulated by enemies of peace and progress. Therefore, we are informing the general public that allegations circulating on social media are concocted by agents of those politicians who are cutting-edges of their political interest at the expense of innocent lives.” 

Minister Manyuon reiterated that the government of Jonglei didn’t pay any single cent to recover the abductees. “We recovered such a huge number of abductees through dialogue with the ringleaders of the abductors.”


No proof the Jonglei government paid abductors money to recover the abducted children and women. Additionally, the government is seen using a negotiation approach as it publicly engages the community leaders in the counties to trace the abducted Pibor residents.

This fact-check was published by 211 Check with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and the African Fact-Checking Alliance.  

Fact-check: Journalist denies saying on the radio that he suggested firing a Vice President

A South Sudanese journalist based in Australia  said he didn’t call for the firing of the South Sudanese Vice President Dr. James Wani Igga during his radio broadcast in Australia. 

Writer: Ghai Aketch

On monday a social  media page published that Ajak Deng Chiengkou announced in his radio  broadcast that the South Sudanese Vice President for Economic Cluster Dr. James Wani Igga should be fired from his position.

The Facebook page, Voice of Juba, alleged that Ajak accused Vice President Dr. Igga for instigating attacks on the Bor community where he (Ajak) comes from.

“Australian based Popular journalist Ajak Deng Chiengkou has accused Vice President Wani Igga and former Juba Mayor Kalisto of being behind the recent attacks on Bor cattle keepers in Mangala along the Bor road.” The post claims. 

“Ajak was heard saying in one of his live broadcasts that Wani Igga should be fired if he is involved in such deadly plots against South Sudanese citizens.” The post reads. 

Screenshot claiming the journalist called for resignation of the Vice President Dr. Igga

Ajak Deng Chiengkou is a South Sudanese journalist based in Australia. He works for SBS Radio in Australia where he hosts the SBS Dinka segment in the Dinka dialect.

However, when contacted via his official  Facebook page to confirm the authenticity of the allegation, Ajak told 211 Check  that he didn’t broadcast such information.

“It came to my attention today that Voice of Juba, a page run by two administrators in Uganda and Kenya, had posted a false story about me calling for the resignation of Vice President Wani and the former Mayor. There is a need for an indication of where they got the information.” Ajak said in a messenger reply to 211 Check. 

He later posted on his Facebook page that the information is not authentic.

Screenshot showing the journalist denying the allegation


The Facebook page claiming Ajak called for the firing of the Vice President didn’t mention the date such information was broadcast. Moreover, it has not appeared in any mainstream media. 

The journalist  said he didn’t discuss the communal conflict on the  radio. 211 Check also listened  to the live streamed podcasts but couldn’t  come across the allegation. Therefore, we conclude that the claim is false.  

This fact-check was published by 211 Check with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and the African Fact-Checking Alliance.  

Fact-check: Is it possible that wearing fake chains will cause cancer?

There is no scientific evidence that wearing fake chains causes cancer.

Writer: Beatrice Amude Paulino

On 5 December 2022, Max Jay, a South Sudanese singer, posted on his Facebook page that fake chains or necklaces can cause cancer. He does not give any detail on his claim on how it can cause cancer or when or maybe if it is used for how long. 

Max Jay wrote, “Refrain yourself from wearing fake chains because they cause cancer.”

Fake chains, also known as counterfeit chains, are imitation chains made to look like genuine products but not of the same quality or materials. They are frequently sold at a lower price than the genuine product and are intended to deceive consumers into believing they are purchasing the genuine article. These forged chains can be found in various products, including jewellery, fashion accessories, and even bicycles. When purchasing products, it is critical to be aware of these fake chains because they can be of lower quality and may not last as long as an authentic product.

Screenshot of Max Jay’s Facebook post

211 Check looks carefully at what doctors have to say about fake jewellery:

The Centers for Disease Control also said, “Cheap jewellery may cause sickness, and a high level of toxic chemicals are always found in the fake jewellery.”

What metal is associated with cancer?

Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel have been classified as group 1 carcinogens by the International Agency for Cancer Research and are commercially used. To understand the toxicity of these compounds, the International Agency for Cancer Research used pathway analysis.

The safest jewellery is made of:

Gold: according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “Gold is not Poison.”

Niobium: is a type of metal that is pure, it does not react to the skin, and it is the safest metal for people with allergies.

Silver: is not harmful to humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control.


No scientific evidence suggests that fake chains or counterfeit jewellery can cause cancer. However, it is important to note that some fake jewellery may be made with low-quality materials or chemicals that can harm the skin or the environment. For example, some counterfeit jewellery may contain lead, which can be toxic if ingested or if it comes into contact with the skin. Some fake jewellery may be made with cheap metals that can cause an allergic reaction or rash. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when purchasing fake jewellery and to be aware that it may not be as safe or durable as authentic jewellery.

Fake jewellery pieces are affordable, stylish, trendy, and unique because you get pieces that match your personality. Still, scientific evidence indicates that long-term exposure to some metallic such as cadmium compounds induces different forms of cancer.

This fact-check was published by 211 Check with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and the African Fact-Checking Alliance.  

Fact-check: Is TikTok offering users sixty days 30 GB free data for its 6th Anniversary? No, it is false.

TikTok has not announced an offer to its users for two months of free 30 GB data to commemorate its sixth anniversary; the link that is circulating is malicious and does not represent Tik Tok.

Writer Beatrice Amude Paulino

A WhatsApp message being circulated in private chats and groups claiming that TikTok is offering 30GB free to its online customers for a period of 60 days is false.

“Congratulations to all TikTokers; you can now enjoy free 30GB TikTok data to stream for two months (60 days). Click below to check if you are eligible to get the offer,” the claim reads n part.

A screenshot of a WhatsApp message.

The claim did not give any specific way of selecting who would get the free offer. No network provider or news organization within the country has notified the public about this offer. 

The below website claiming the offer is flagged as a phishing site, as indicated by Google Safe Browsing.

‘’The site you are trying to visit has been identified as a forgery, intended to trick you into disclosing financial, personal or other sensitive information.’’

Other sites, including firefox also block access to the page because it a phishing site.

A screenshot of a website that has been censored by Google

What is Tik Tok?

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create, share and post short videos on any topic of their choice, and it is mainly mobile-based.

It was launched as Douyin by ByteDance in Beijing, China in September 2016, originally under the name A.me. It will turn six years in September 2022.

TikTok has not made any announcement on its official channels about any free data for its sixth anniversary as at the time of this publication.

The tiktok domain was registered on 21 July 1996

The domain for the phishing site was registered on 11 December 2022, just last year


The claim that Tik Tok is giving away 30 GB of free data to celebrate its six years in service has been proven false by 211 Check. The links going around are not from Tik Tok and are malicious.

This fact check was published by 211 Check with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and the African Fact-Checking Alliance.

Fact-check: Have Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) increased the cost of tomato seeds?

No, GMO seeds are cheap, not as expensive as claimed in the video; the video also has other false and misleading information.

Writer: Jibi Moses

 A TikTok video with bold heading PENEUL RUTENDO PART 2. It is going viral. It further adds a question. What does Rutendo mean when he says South Africa has no Seeds? The video was shot in a studio setting whereby two men were in a studio (radio or television) discussing the impact of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their effect on mainly the price and quality of seeds in the world and South Africa in particular.

The guest in the studio started by explaining how in a previous talk show, he had talked about how South Africa doesn’t have seeds anymore. He explained that the country is currently getting its food from genetically modified seeds. Most of these seeds would not reproduce, and even if they would reproduce, they would slowly reduce the quality and quantity of the seeds, and this is because they are engineered through a technology called Genetic use restriction.

He further claimed that the seeds’ pollen grains could cross-pollinate with the organic plant, reducing their reproduction capacity. In the long run, organic seeds will disappear, and in the end, people will have to buy only hybrid seeds. They further claim that a  European company, Limagrain, which has a Seedco, has killed all organic seeds in Europe. Currently, there are no organic tomato seeds in Europe rather than Hybrid, which go for between $60,000 and $ 400,000 per kilo. This, he said, is more than a kilogram of gold. Therefore, if nothing is done, there will soon be no organic seeds in South Africa, and these companies may demand a kilo of gold or seeds. Finally, he urged the local farmers to support farmers selling organic seeds, not Genetically modified ones.

What are GMOs?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as defined and explained by the Food and Drug Authority, the Internet is also awash with information defining and explaining GMOs; some of these sites are here, here, and here

Genetic modification occurs when the DNA of one living thing is added to the DNA of another so that a desirable trait becomes part of the new, modified organism. These new modifications can alter or introduce particular traits in the organism. 

Benefits of Genetically Modified Organisms:

Much as there are many controversial stories and myths about genetically engineered crops, there are enough benefits for humans and the environment. 211 check brings some of the sites which have done enough studies about them as here, here, here and here. However, we can not rule out the disadvantages or dangers of the use and consumption of GMOs, as experts explain in these links: 1, and 2. These articles and more may try to explain the dangers of GMOs; however, most are assumptions based on what has happened to people or organisms that have consumed GMO products. 

Genetic Use Restriction Technology: 

In the video, they claim that manufacturers of GMO seeds use this kind of technology, whereby the seeds are controlled from reproducing after the first planting. 

They further explain the pollen grains of these seeds can move across the country as far as 600 kilometers radius and pollinate the organic crops, transferring the technology to the organic crops – Genetic Use Restriction Technology

Some popular myths about GMOs:

There are a lot of myths about GMOs, and here are some links with detailed explanations of those popular myths as 1, 2,  3, 4, 5

Cost of tomato seeds in Europe:

In the video, they explained how GMOs have led to the extinction of natural seeds in Europe. This, according to them, is because of Genetic Use Restriction Technology, and therefore, as a result, has led to a rise in the price of tomato seeds. They claim tomato seeds cost between $60,000 and $400,000 per kilo, equivalent to or more than a kilogram of gold. They said if South Africans don’t change, GMO companies will soon begin to charge that same amount or even ask for pure gold in exchange for tomato seeds. However, when one searches the internet, different sites give detailed prices of different tomato species, which are way cheaper than what is claimed.These are as mentioned here  1, and 2 .


The investigation done by 211 Check on the video about the claims shows that much as there are facts in some of these claims, Most of them are false and misleading. The point of the price and intention of the European companies isn’t to bring organic seeds to extinction and therefore raise the price of seeds in South Africa, as claimed in the video clip, but to provide high-quality and cheap seeds. The intention of these gentlemen, as heard in the last statements, is to market their own local seeds, which he says he sells, but the local farmers do not want to buy from him.

This fact-check was published by 211 Check with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and the African Fact-Checking Alliance.   

PARTLY FALSE: Post does not show requirements for Hustler Fund loans

The correct requirements are listed in the Financial Inclusion Fund Regulation 2022 draft by the Treasury.

Writer: PesaCheck

A Facebook post listing the requirements for the Hustler Fund programme by the Kenyan government is PARTLY FALSE.

The requirements in the claim are listed as follows:

  1. Form a Youth or women group
  2. Draft a Business Proposal
  3. Produce Good Conduct Certificate
  4. Share Residential Address
  5. Produce signatures from 4 Guarantors, two must be your relatives
  6. Sign a non disclosure agreement to serve jail term for defrauding the government if you fail to repay within 6 months
  7. Open Bank account with National Bank or KCB
  8. Produce KRA Pin
  9. Above 18 years old
  10. Holder of Kenyan ID
  11. Account must be active for at least 6 months statement
  12. Individual loans will also be available.

According to the National Treasury Financial Inclusion Fund Regulation 2022 draft, the requirements for individual applicants include being 18 years of age and above and being a holder of a national identification card (ID).

Micro, small and medium enterprises, saccos and any other associations will be required to have all their members to be aged above 18 years in age and duly registered by the relevant government institution to qualify for the loans.

Any other eligibility criteria will be determined by an advisory board comprising a non-executive chairperson appointed by the President, who is expected to oversee the operations of the fund.

Co-operative and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui, clarified that the government’s Hustler Fund programme will not require any official registration.

“We urge members of the public to disregard all forms of communications inviting them to  register for funds on a website or via a phone number,” Chelugui said.

He also dismissed as untrue claims that Hustler Fund defaulters will be heavily fined.

“There is no such thing. The penalties in the regulations target fund officials who may embezzle or misappropriate the funds,” he added.

Chelugui further explained that interested individuals will only require their phones to access the loans.

“Unlike any financial products that require a lot of paperwork, guarantors or collaterals among other hurdles, borrowers will face no such roadblocks. No registration is required and all that will be required is to dial a code. There will be no intermediaries, it will just be the hustler and his or her phone,” he said.

PesaCheck has looked into a Facebook post listing the requirements for the Hustler Fund programme by the Kenyan government and finds it to be PARTLY FALSE.

This post is part of an ongoing series of PesaCheck fact-checks examining content marked as potential misinformation on Facebook and other social media platforms.