Tag Archive for: Misinformation

Fact-check: Is this a beachside road in Zimbabwe?

No, this picture is of Marqala Beach in Tangier, Morocco.

Writer: Jibi Moses

A picture making rounds on Facebook and WhatsApp claiming to show a road section in Zimbabwe is false and misleading.

The picture was shared by a Facebook user on September 12, 2023, with an accompanying post that read: “The Zimbabwe they will not show you on social media.

It generated massive engagement from the public, with 59K reactions, 6,500 comments, and 4,000 shares. However, some comments criticised the post, saying that Zimbabwe is landlocked without an ocean. Others mentioned that the picture was of South Africa, and yet others, Morocco. 

A screenshot of the post on Facebook

The picture was also shared in a WhatsApp group with a similar caption:

“This is how our cost line should look, and even better. From Entebbe Airport to Luzia Portbell (along Lake Victoria), the advantage of bordering the lake should  come with improved infrastructure along its shores. This is Zimbabwe, which they do not show you in the news (sic).” 

The screenshot of the claim as shared on the WhatsApp group

211 Check also found a Facebook post by Burundi Actu from 2020 bearing the same image. The post is in Kinyarwanda, which, when translated to English, means: “The picture shows how the #Bujumbura-#Rumonge road will be built in 2040. The construction has been completed #Burundi”

Claim Verification 

211 Check ran a Google Reverse Image Search to verify the claim and found that the picture is of Marqala/Merkala Beach in Tangier, Morocco. 

Among the results are various instances where the image has been attributed to Morocco, as seen in this Moroccan travel website.  The image has also been used similarly to showcase tourist attractions in Tangier, Morocco, as seen here

The beach can also be seen in this Youtube video whose title translates to: ‘My country’s beaches: Markala Beach, Tangier Ep:2 (plage markala).’

A search on Google Maps for the keywords ‘Marqala Tangier Beach, Morocco,’ clearly returns its location on the map in northern Morocco, with multiple pictures of the beach, where the image under scrutiny is also featured.

A screenshot of one of the views seen from Google Maps 

A further search on Google Travel brings up more images of the beach taken from different angles and marked as Merkala/Marqala Beach in Tangier. 

In addition, several other sites have shared the photo, attributing it to Morocco such as here, here, here, here and here

Does Zimbabwe have beaches?

In the post, the author claims this beach is in Zimbabwe, a landlocked country. However, they did not mention the specific name of the place. 

A Google word search of keywords: Does Zimbabwe have beaches? returned that there are a few beaches, but it has only one such expansive beach: Binga Beach, found on Lake Kariba. However, the pictures of the beach are different from the image under scrutiny. 


The picture making the rounds on Facebook and WhatsApp groups claiming it was taken in Zimbabwe is false. The picture is of Marqala Beach in Tangier, Morocco.

This fact check was published by 211 Check with technical support from Code for Africa’s  PesaCheck newsdesk through the African Fact-Checking Alliance (AFCA).

To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.

It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit https://211check.org/ or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter

FAKE: This screen grab, supposedly of an Equity Bank response to a customer, is fabricated

The Kenyan financial services provider has disowned the message.

Writer: PesaCheck

This screen grab on Facebook with a message, supposedly from Equity Bank to a customer, is FAKE.

Equity Bank is one of the leading financial service providers in East Africa. In July 2016, the lender was ranked the fastest growing bank in Africa.

The message reads: “Dear costumer if you don’t trust us please withdraw your Kshs. 86.00 you have been checking balance consistently.[sic]”

But is the message authentic?

To begin with, the text has typos. This is among the red flags for social media hoaxes.

On 9 September 2023, the bank released a statement disowning the post.

“This is definitely not a notification from Equity Bank,” the lender said in response to a user on X, formerly known as Twitter.

PesaCheck investigated a screen grab on Facebook with a message, purportedly from Equity Bank to a customer, and found it to be FAKE.

This post is part of an ongoing series of PesaCheck fact-checks examining content marked as potential misinformation on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Fact-check: Is this tiger dog from South Sudan or Uganda?

The tiger dog picture is from India.  

Writer: Kei Emmanuel Duku

A social media picture posted on Juba Eye and Red Pepper UG that has gone viral on Facebook in South Sudan and Uganda is false. 

In the post on Juba Eye, shared on September 25, 2023, the painted dog in Tiger colours is claimed to belong to a resident in the Jebel area of Juba, South Sudan, and police are already searching for the dog’s owner. 

According to the claim, the alleged owner painted his dog in tiger colours to scare away individuals from coming to his home to ask for the loans he had borrowed. 

The post was shared 73 times, with over 1,000 interactions, over 100 comments, and some over 70 shares by social media users. 

A screenshot of the Facebook post by Juba Eye

The same picture and claim were used by RED Pepper UG on the same day, claiming that the owner of the painted dog is called Mucunguzi from Kyeggwa, and police are already searching for him for painting his dog in tiger colours. This post gained 286 likes, 43 comments, and 18 shares on this platform.

Screenshot of the Facebook post by RED Pepper UG

While the two Facebook posts are satirical, 211 Check looks at the origin of the image in the posts.

Claim Verification:  

According to Tineye’s reverse image search, the picture was taken in New Delhi, India, on December 29, 2019, and the dog’s actual owner is Srikant Gowda, a farmer from Karnataka’s Shivamogga region. 

The publication was done in Urdu, but with the help of Google Translate, it indicated that the dog’s owner decided to paint his dog in tiger colours to scare away monkeys destroying his farmland.

Similar searching was done using Google reverse image search, revealing the same results. 

BestNewsGH.com published the story in December 2019 with the headline: A Desperate farmer paints his dog like a tiger to scare away invading monkeys.

Another source that used the picture is here.

Screenshot of the same picture as published in December 2019 on BestNewsGH.com 


211 Check found that the photo that is being shared, claiming to be from Juba and Uganda, is false. The picture originated from the Indian state of Urdu and has been online since 2016..

A publication under 211 Check’s ‘Fact-check for a pay’ Initiative with Support from the International Fact-checking Network through the BUILD grant.

To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.

It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit https://211check.org/ or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter

Fact-check: This excited man standing behind a lady isn’t a University of Juba student

The picture that originated from Nigeria has been widely shared on social media but has no connection to the University of Juba or any educational institution in South Sudan.

Writer: Makur Majeng

A photo shared in a post by the Top in South Sudan Facebook page claiming that an excited man standing behind a lady is a student at the University of Juba is entirely false.

The University of Juba is an English-language public university in Juba, South Sudan. It was founded in 1975.

Meet Calvin Pidor at the University of Jama Juba—the happiness. #TopTRENDS.” claims Top in South Sudan’s Facebook post, which generated over 200 reactions and 17 comments at publication.

But what truth does the above claim hold?

The screenshot of the picture used by Top in South Sudan

See more pictures below:-

These pictures have been trending on social media since April 2019 

Claim Verification:

A Google reverse image search was conducted to verify the picture’s authenticity. This search revealed that the image has been widely used on the internet and has no specific association with the University of Juba or any educational institution.

The picture first appeared online in April 2019 and was reported to have been shared by a student of the University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT) in Rivers State, Nigeria, according to Naijaload and Naijacover websites. The individuals in the picture have no reported connection to the University of Juba.


211 Check has found the claim made by the Top in South Sudan Facebook page, alleging it is the photo of a student at the University of Juba, false. The photo originated in Nigeria and has been circulating online since April 2019 without any reported connection to the University of Juba.

A publication under 211 Check’s ‘Fact-check for a pay’ Initiative with Support from the International Fact-checking Network through the BUILD grant.

To ensure accuracy and transparency, we at 211 Check welcome corrections from our readers. If you spot an error in this article, please request a correction using this form. Our team will review your request and make the necessary corrections immediately, if any.

It’s vital to fight misinformation and disinformation in the media by avoiding fake news. Don’t share content you’re uncertain about. False information can harm and mislead people, risking their lives—Fact-check before sharing. For more details, visit https://211check.org/ or message us on WhatsApp at +211 917 298 255. #FactsMatter

 Fact-check: Is a new ocean forming in East Africa? Yes, scientists say so

The formation of a new ocean in East Africa, expected to occur in a million years due to the movement of tectonic plates pushing in opposite directions and creating a chasm, is a gradual process, as indicated by scientists.

Writer: Jibi Moses 

Voice of Juba, a Facebook page posted on the 18th March 2023, pictures of some parts of the globe, mainly the African continent, with claims that Scientists have discovered a new ocean forming as Africa begins to split.

The post claimed this discovery could see East Africa forming its separate continent. South Sudan, Zambia and Uganda could one day have their coastlines if the land mass continues to separate. 

A screenshot of the post by Voice of Juba


On carrying out Google and Bing searches, several results show that there is a possibility of an Ocean forming in East Africa, given the presence of the rift Valley backed by scientific evidence. The rift Valley spreads itself from the southern part of Africa to the East African countries of Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia and connects to the Red Sea. 

However, these sources clearly state that this process would take millions of years to happen as it’s gradual. These explanations are seen here below as 1, 2, 3, 4. Besides, these youtube videos explain more 1, 2.

“This is the only place on Earth where you can study how a continental rift becomes an oceanic rift,” said Christopher Moore, a PhD doctoral student at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, who has been using satellite radar to monitor volcanic activity in East Africa that is associated with the continent’s breakup.

It’s thought that Africa’s new ocean will take at least between five million and ten million years to form.

The East African Valley:

The East African Rift (EAR) or East African Rift System (EARS) is an active continental rift zone in East Africa. The EAR began developing around the onset of the Miocene, 22–25 million years ago.[1] In the past, it was considered part of a larger Great Rift Valley that extended north to Asia Minor.

A narrow zone, the rift is a developing divergent tectonic plate boundary where the African Plate is splitting into two tectonic plates, called the Somali Plate and the Nubian Plate, at a rate of 6-7 mm per year.[2] The rift system consists of three microplates, the Victoria Microplate to the north and the Rovuma and Lwandle microplates to the south. The Victoria Microplate is rotating anti-clockwise for the African plate. Its rotation is caused by the configuration of mechanically weaker and stronger lithospheric regions in the East African Rift system.

In addition to this description, many geologists and geological houses have described it as here here here, here, and here, 

Tectonic plates and  forces:

A tectonic plate (a lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped solid rock, generally composed of continental and oceanic lithosphere. Plate size can vary greatly, from a few hundred to thousands of kilometres across; the Pacific and Antarctic Plates are among the largest. There are seven significant plates; Pacific Plate, North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Indo-Australian Plate, and South American Plate. 

Meanwhile, Tectonic forces refer to the forces or conditions within the earth that cause crust movements. designating the results of such movements: tectonic valleys. These forces are significant in forming the continents and subsequent features like rift valleys and lakes.


Given the evidence from science that East Africa is within the East African Rift Valley System, which is active as evidenced by the active volcanic mountains and the changes (expansion) of the rift valley every year and in addition, the proof by science that tectonic plate (African Plate) on which the East African part of the continent lies are moving apart over time, it is true that a new ocean is forming in East Africa. The Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea will flood over the Afar region and into the East African Rift Valley and become a new ocean, and that part of East Africa will become its own separate small continent.

However, this is expected to happen in a million years to come, as these changes are happening in a very gradual process.

Fight misinformation in mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter

Fact-check: These images are not of a man named Bismark in Juba

It is false that a man named Bismark was admitted to the Juba teaching hospital for skinning his tattooed chest. The picture is of a National Unity Platform (NUP) activist Eric Mwesigwa who was allegedly detained and tortured on his chest.

Writer: Beatrice Amude Paulino

Suncity TV, a Facebook page having about 5,470 followers, posted on the 10th March 2023 a story and pictures of a man purportedly called Bismark, who was admitted to Juba Teaching hospital in South Sudan after he reportedly skinned off his girlfriend’s name tattooed on his chest during the good times of their relationship.

Suncity met with Bismark this morning from Juba Teaching Hospital. He said the lady broke up with him after graduating from the University of Juba…,” the post reads in part.

The claim is, however, false and here is why.

Photos used by Suncity TV claiming to be of the same man Bismark. 

Two Google reverse image searches here and here using the above pictures show the first image used by these Facebook pages were first used as seen here 1, 2,3. In all of these scenarios, they were different times when the picture was used. One post was captioned, “Phiona, where are you? See how the boychild has loved you.”

The second picture, however, is of a National Unity Platform (NUP) activist Eric Mwesigwa who was allegedly detained and tortured on his chest and burnt with some metals (allegedly flat iron) by the Ugandan Security Services. The following people reported about him, as seen here; ChimpReports, The Observer, YouTube, Twitter, and Sudhir Byaruhanga.

Photo of NUP activist Eric Mwesigwa who was detained and tortured allegedly by Ugandan Security Services. 


211 Check finds the claim that a man in Lologo, a neighbourhood in Juba, South Sudan, is reported to have skinned his girlfriend’s name tattooed on his chest false.

The pictures were randomly collected from the internet to fabricate a story which has not occurred anywhere in South Sudan.

Fight misinformation in mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter

Fact-check: Did FVP Riek Machar endorse President Salva Kiir for Presidency?

A post shared severally on the internet claiming the FVP, Riek Machar, endorsed President Salva Kiir for the next election is false. He was unveiling the President’s new portrait to be used in offices at the event.

Writer: Jibi Moses

A post made rounds on social media, with a picture of the First Vice President, Dr Riek Machar, holding a portrait of Salva Kiir Mayardit, South Sudan’s current president. 

This viral post claims that the First Vice President, also chair of the SPLM-IO, Riek Machar, endorsed Salva Kiir Mayardit as the next president. Junub Sudan Press is one of the pages that shared the picture captioned, “Breaking News!!! FVP Dr. Riek Machar endorses President Kiir as the next President of the Republic of South Sudan after the expiration of the peace agreement or roadmap in 2025.”

“My party SPLM-IO and I will rejoin SPLM and rally behind our only Chairman and President 

H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit ~ FVP Dr. Riek,” the post falsely attributed a quote to Riek Machar Teny.

However, the claim is false. In less than 24 hours, the post received over 100 reactions, 50 comments, and 47 shares.

A screenshot of the post by Junub press.

On carrying out Google Search on the picture, many online news outlines used the picture. Among them are Eye Radio, South Sudan Uncensored, The Naath International Radio’s America, and Jonglei TV. These pages explain in detail that the picture was taken on March 15, 2023, at the Freedom Hall during the launch of a new portrait of the president to be used in offices.

There have been two portraits in use, including one of the late Dr John Garang and the President. However, the president’s has been changed. 

Gordon Yien Gordon, who is the spokesperson in the office of the FVP, dismissed the claims in a post on his Facebook timeline.

“The First Vice President cannot endorse President Kiir simply because the two leaders are from different political parties (SPLM-IG), (SPLM-IO). We would like to tell the people of South Sudan that the event was about the standard portrait of President Kiir. This means replacing the old one with a new photo of him. The photo is supposed to be hung in offices at national, state and local levels,” reads part of his disclaimer.

A screenshot of a post by Eye Radio 

A screenshot of a post by Jonglei TV


211 Check finds the claim that First Vice President Riek Machar Teny endorsed President Salva Kiir for candidacy in the next elections during the launch of a new portrait to be false. The two leaders are from different political parties

Fight misinformation in mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter

Fact-check: South Sudan does have a postal office

Claims on social media that South Sudan does not have a postal office are proven false because there is existence of a functioning postal system in the country.

Writer: Emmanuel Bida Thomas

A request for the location of the South Sudan postal office by a Facebook user on March 15, 2023, sparked claims made in the comments section of the Facebook post that the country did not have a postal office.

Someone tell me where is South Sudan postal office. I have a package sent from Germany there,” the Facebook user asked in a public post.

There is no postal office in South Sudan, and you may use logistics companies…” partly reads a claim in the comments section. “South Sudan doesn’t have a postal office; just use DHL,” another person claimed.

Facebook comments claiming that South Sudan doesn’t have a post office

However, a simple Google search using the keywords “South Sudan Post Office Location” would indicate that the country does indeed have a post office with contact details, office sorting code, location and other information readily available.

Assistant Director for international relations, Parcel Post logistics& Postal Planning at the Ministry of Information, Communications Technology and Postal Services, Andrea Rogasiano, confirmed that the South Sudan postal office is operational when contacted by 211 Check via phone. “While there may be logistical challenges in some areas of the country, South Sudan has a functioning postal system that residents and businesses can use,” he said.

The Universal Postal Union (UPU), which is a specialised agency of the United Nations that coordinates postal policies among member nations, provides information on post offices in South Sudan on their website.

Even though logistics companies can sometimes be used for shipping, a functional postal system is an essential component of any country’s infrastructure. South Sudan’s post office plays a crucial role in facilitating communication and commerce within the country and beyond.

It is important to note that misinformation can easily spread on social media platforms, and individuals should always fact-check claims before believing or sharing them. In this case, a quick search would have revealed that South Sudan does have a postal office, and false claims to the contrary should not deter those seeking to send or receive mail.

Fight misinformation in mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter

Fact-check: These aren’t images of a snake cursed by Torit residents’ grandparents

This is not a snake. It’s a cave in Thailand called the Naka cave

Writer: Jibi Moses

Series of pictures posted by Suncity TV and Juba TV, claim that a giant snake was cursed in Torit by its elders. 

Residence of Torit says this giant snake was cursed by their grand   grandfathers,”  reads the captions. Suncity TV, a Facebook page which describes itself as a Society and culture website with just over 5,000 likes.

A screenshot from the page showing different pictures of the snake

But, are these pictures from Torit, Eastern Equatoria State in South Sudan?

A Google reverse image search on the pictures found that these pictures are neither of a snake, nor are they from Torit. These pictures are of Naka Caves which are found in Thailand

Naka Cave (or Nāga Cave) is located in Phu Langka National Park which is in the Bueng Khong Long District of Bueng Kan Province, Thailand. Naka means ‘snake’ in the Thai language, and the cave took its name from the texture of some stones in the area, which resembles the scaled skin of a snake.

The Naka cave, which is sometimes called Naka  snake cave or Naga snake, is a strange rock with an image of a python head and scally body. The place has many stories and theories attached to it; others believe the Naga snake is a giant snake which sometimes turns into a human. Some of the stories about the cave can be found here, here, here, here, and here. In addition to the these stories we have a few videos from youtube showing the Naka cave attached  1, 2, 3.

211 Check contacted Afani William who is a resident of Torit, whether such a snake exists anywhere in Torit, but he denied.


211 Check traces the images in the claim to Thailand. The images show the Naka snake cave, but not a real snake which was cursed by elders of Torit.

Fight misinformation in mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter

Fact-check: Image of Yaba Ladu Anthony from Munuki is doctored and used for satire

A Facebook post featuring an image of a person named Yaba Ladu Anthony from Munuki or Juba is false, as the image is doctored and has been used for satirical purposes on the internet.

Writer: Jibi Moses

A local Facebook page, The Mail, posted a picture of a man who seems to have some resemblance to former United States president Barack Obama.

The post claims the picture is of a man called Yaba Ladu Anthony, who stays in Munuki, Juba, but this is false. 

This Yaba by the name of Ladu Anthony, a resident of Munuki Suk Libya, claims that he resembles someone in USA Juba Eye,” reads the caption.

Screenshot of the Facebook post


On running a Google reverse image search, 211 Check discovered that other sources had used the picture, as seen here, here, here and here.

These include pages from Malawi, Zambia and  Kenya, showing the picture as having been used out of South Sudan, sharing such information without clear origin and shows. The image has been edited and shared sarcastically as a satire; however, it can fool.


211 Check finds that the Facebook post with an image claiming that the person in the picture is called Yaba Ladu Anthony from Munuki or anywhere in Juba is false. The image is doctored and has been used on the internet for satire.

Fight misinformation in mainstream and alternative media by not being a victim of fake news. Refrain from sharing content you are unsure about or don’t know where it comes from to prevent spreading false information. For more information on our fact-checking process, visit https://211check.org/ or send us a WhatsApp message at +211 917 298 255 to present a claim. Our team will fact-check it and respond promptly. #FactsMatter