Reported Killings Across South Sudan - November 2021 (1)

Data Story: Reported Killings in South Sudan, 267 slain last month

By #defyhatenow South Sudan #DataSpeaks Fellows

Data collected by 211 Check, according to multiple media reports from November of this year, show that at least 267 individuals were killed in several incidents around South Sudan.

In comparison to October, when 79 persons were slain, November’s figures show an increase of 237.97 percent.

The majority of deaths last month happened in Jonglei State, where about 89 individuals were killed by an unknown illness and over 70 others died largely in intercommunal confrontations. 

The following state, Warrap, comes in second with 32 deaths, the most of which were caused by intercommunal violence and road ambushes.

Following that is Western Equatoria State, where 24 people are said to have died last month and Eastern Equatoria State with 18 deaths.

Upper Nile State, Central Equatoria and Unity States each had 14, 12 and 5 deaths respectively.

In Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State there were two reported deaths and 1 killing in Lakes State.

In any of the three administrative areas of Abyei, Ruweng, or Greater Pibor, there were no documented cases of violence-related deaths as well as in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal.

About the Authors:

Data Speaks Fellows at #defyhatenow South Sudan, wrote this data story, which was edited by 211 Check Editor Emmanuel Bida Thomas and approved for publication by Steve Topua, Data Analyst and Trainer. It’s part of the ongoing #defyhatenow South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship program with funding from the European Union Delegation to South Sudan.

About South Sudan Data Speaks Fellowship: 

This is a two-month and half data journalism fellowship for South Sudanese content creators with an aim of educating participants on the fundamentals of data journalism through in-depth training facilitated by experienced data analysts.

The fellows have been selected from across South Sudan and they are trained in data sourcing/mining, data analysis, and data visualization for two months and half (October to Mid December) 

Each fellow will produce a minimum of three (03) data stories during the fellowship. The focus will be on increasing access to information

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